Refer the file for problem description.
FORK this repository in your Gitlab account
CLONE the forked repository, containing the boilerplate in your local machine
Navigate to exercise-inheritance-furniture folder
cd exercise-inheritance-furniture
Check the status of your repository
git status
Complete the solution as per the instructions given in and the boilerplate code
Use the following command to update the index using the current content found in the working tree, to prepare the content staged for the next commit.
git add .
Commit and Push the project to git
git commit -a -m "Initial commit | or place your comments according to your need"
git push -u origin master
Check on the git repo online, if the files have been pushed
Evaluate in Hobbes.
- We expect you to write the assignment on your own by following through the guidelines, learning plan, and the practice exercises
- The code must not be plagiarized, the mentors will randomly pick the submissions and may ask you to explain the solution
- The code must be properly indented, code structure maintained as per the boilerplate and properly commented
- Follow through the problem statement shared with you
- You add the respective Mentor as a Reporter into your Assignment Repository
- Intimate your Mentor on Slack - with your Git URL - Once you done working and is ready for final submission.