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Monitoring Hooks

jonsnyder edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 8 revisions

Alloy exposes some monitoring hooks which can be used to tap into system events. This is useful for developing debugging tools and to capture Alloy logs.

Alloy will look for an array of objects in a global variable called __alloyMonitors. To capture all Alloy events, you'll want to define monitors before the alloy code is loaded. Each monitor method captures an event in Alloy. Following is an example page with a monitor defined:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
    window.__alloyMonitors = window.__alloyMonitors || [];
      onInstanceCreated(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.instance
      onInstanceConfigured(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.config
      onBeforeCommand(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.commandName
        // data.options
      onBeforeNetworkRequest(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.requestId
        // data.url
        // data.payload
      onNetworkResponse(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.requestId
        // data.url
        // data.payload
        // data.body
        // data.parsedBody
        // data.status
        // data.retriesAttempted
      onNetworkError(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.requestId
        // data.url
        // data.payload
        // data.error
      onBeforeLog(data) {
        // data.instanceName
        // data.componentName
        // data.level
        // data.arguments
      []).push(o),n[o]=function(){var u=arguments;return new Promise(
    <script src="alloy.js" async></script>
  <h1>Monitor Test</h1>

Parameter documentation:

  • data.instanceName - The name of the global variable where the instance is stored.
  • data.instance - The instance function used to call commands.
  • data.config - The computed configuration. This is the options passed to the configure command with all the defaults added.
  • data.commandName - The executed command name.
  • data.options - The options passed to the command.
  • data.requestId - The requestId generated by Alloy to enable debugging downstream.
  • data.url - The requested url.
  • data.payload - The payload object that will be converted to JSON and sent in the post body of the request.
  • data.body - The response body as a string
  • data.parsedBody - The parsed response body as an object. Undefined if there was an error while parsing the response body.
  • data.status - The integer response code.
  • data.retriesAttempted - The number of retries attempted when sending the request. Zero means it was successful on the first try.
  • data.error - The error message returned from the browser's network call (fetch in most cases).
  • data.componentName - The name of the component that generated the log message. (Optional)
  • data.level - The log level. ("log", "info", "warn", or "error")
  • data.arguments - The arguments of the log message.