brew cask install mediahuman-audio-converter
to compress the files with the following settings- 24kbps
- Mono
- AAC Audio
- m4b file
- 22.050 khz sample
Rename files in Finder to a author/book identifier followed by counter to signify part number. A reduction in length allows it to appear on the iPod screen.
12 Rules for Life An Antidote to Chaos (Unabridged) - 01.m4a -> JBP 12 Rules 00001.m4a
to rename all files to m4b to enable Audiobook functionality like progress tracking- Example command
zmv "*.m4a" "\$(basename \$f .m4a).m4b"
- Example command
brew cask install musicbrainz-picard
to set the file metadata using the filenameTools -> Tags from File Names
- Manually set Artist, Album to ensure consistency
- Remove unnecessary additional fields including Track Number
to overwrite the metadata in the tracks
Import into iTunes, the
extension should automatically imply the Audiobook type