issue etcd-io/etcd#13415
When authentication is enabled, then the etcd POD kept being restarted. The health check request on /health failed with etcd 3.5, but it works for 3.4.
etcd 3.4
$ etcdctl auth enable
Authentication Enabled
$ curl
etcd 3.5
$ etcdctl auth enable
Authentication Enabled
$ curl
{"health":"false","reason":"RANGE ERROR:auth: user name is empty"}
Firstly, when the auth is enabled, then all requests will & should be authenticated, including the /health request. So I think the behavior you observed should be expected. Please note that there are big improvements in 3.5 against 3.4. I agree that the user experience changes on the /health request between the two versions when auth is enabled, but it shouldn't be a problem, because etcd can get the autoInfo from certificate automatically (see below).
Secondly, etcd gets the autoInfo from the context firstly; if it doesn't exist, then it will get the autoInfo from the certificate. Please see v3_server.go#L896.
So the solution is to set the scheme as "HTTPS" in the livenessProbe and startupProbe, so that etcd can get the autoInfo from the certificate.