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70 lines (41 loc) · 1.34 KB


File metadata and controls

70 lines (41 loc) · 1.34 KB


Setting up

It is recommended to set up a virtual environment to develop on this project. To create one and install the required dependencies, run:

python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

And you can start coding right ahead 🎉🎉🎉!


The documentation is built with Sphinx documentation generator. To install Sphinx and the required plugins used in this project, run:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

To build the documentation:

cd docs/
make html   # or .\make.bat html if you are on a Windows platform


Currently the tests are implemented with standard Python unit testing framework unittest, and are stored in tests/ directory.

To run the tests:

python -m unittest

Code style and linting

This project uses mypy, flake8 and black code style and formatter. This commands must return valid values on each commit:

mypy -m vat_validator
flake8 vat_validator tests
black -l 79 --check vat_validator/ tests/

It is recommended to set up your text editor/IDE to run this tools on save.