diff --git a/apps/api/src/routes/v1/networkCapacity.ts b/apps/api/src/routes/v1/networkCapacity.ts
index eef693da0..50178c717 100644
--- a/apps/api/src/routes/v1/networkCapacity.ts
+++ b/apps/api/src/routes/v1/networkCapacity.ts
@@ -28,7 +28,13 @@ const route = createRoute({
             totalCPU: z.number(),
             totalGPU: z.number(),
             totalMemory: z.number(),
-            totalStorage: z.number()
+            totalStorage: z.number(),
+            activeEphemeralStorage: z.number(),
+            pendingEphemeralStorage: z.number(),
+            availableEphemeralStorage: z.number(),
+            activePersistentStorage: z.number(),
+            pendingPersistentStorage: z.number(),
+            availablePersistentStorage: z.number(),
diff --git a/apps/api/src/routes/v1/providers/byAddress.ts b/apps/api/src/routes/v1/providers/byAddress.ts
index e87c5f792..736351902 100644
--- a/apps/api/src/routes/v1/providers/byAddress.ts
+++ b/apps/api/src/routes/v1/providers/byAddress.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ import { createRoute, OpenAPIHono, z } from "@hono/zod-openapi";
 import { getProviderDetail } from "@src/services/db/providerStatusService";
 import { openApiExampleProviderAddress } from "@src/utils/constants";
+const statsItemSchema = () => z.object({
+  active: z.number(),
+  available: z.number(),
+  pending: z.number(),
 const route = createRoute({
   method: "get",
   path: "/providers/{address}",
@@ -46,6 +51,15 @@ const route = createRoute({
             isOnline: z.boolean(),
             lastOnlineDate: z.string().nullable(),
             isAudited: z.boolean(),
+            stats: z.object({
+              cpu: statsItemSchema(),
+              gpu: statsItemSchema(),
+              memory: statsItemSchema(),
+              storage: z.object({
+                ephemeral: statsItemSchema(),
+                persistent: statsItemSchema(),
+              })
+            }),
             activeStats: z.object({
               cpu: z.number(),
               gpu: z.number(),
diff --git a/apps/api/src/services/db/providerStatusService.ts b/apps/api/src/services/db/providerStatusService.ts
index ec3d967d4..274e199b9 100644
--- a/apps/api/src/services/db/providerStatusService.ts
+++ b/apps/api/src/services/db/providerStatusService.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { Provider, ProviderAttribute, ProviderAttributeSignature, ProviderSnapshotNode, ProviderSnapshotNodeGPU } from "@akashnetwork/database/dbSchemas/akash";
 import { ProviderSnapshot } from "@akashnetwork/database/dbSchemas/akash/providerSnapshot";
 import { add, sub } from "date-fns";
+import uniqBy from "lodash/uniqBy";
 import { Op } from "sequelize";
 import { ProviderDetail } from "@src/types/provider";
@@ -24,31 +25,58 @@ export async function getNetworkCapacity() {
-  const filteredProviders = providers.filter((value, index, self) => self.map(x => x.hostUri).indexOf(value.hostUri) === index);
+  const filteredProviders = uniqBy(providers, provider => provider.hostUri);
+  const stats = filteredProviders.reduce(
+    (all, provider) => {
+      stats.activeCPU += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeCPU;
+      stats.pendingCPU += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingCPU;
+      stats.availableCPU += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableCPU;
-  const stats = {
-    activeProviderCount: filteredProviders.length,
-    activeCPU: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeCPU).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    activeGPU: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeGPU).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    activeMemory: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeMemory).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    activeStorage: filteredProviders
-      .map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeEphemeralStorage + x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activePersistentStorage)
-      .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    pendingCPU: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingCPU).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    pendingGPU: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingGPU).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    pendingMemory: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingMemory).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    pendingStorage: filteredProviders
-      .map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingEphemeralStorage + x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingPersistentStorage)
-      .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    availableCPU: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableCPU).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    availableGPU: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableGPU).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    availableMemory: filteredProviders.map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableMemory).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
-    availableStorage: filteredProviders
-      .map(x => x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableEphemeralStorage + x.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availablePersistentStorage)
-      .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
-  };
+      stats.activeGPU += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeGPU;
+      stats.pendingGPU += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingGPU;
+      stats.availableGPU += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableGPU;
+      stats.activeMemory += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeMemory;
+      stats.pendingMemory += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingMemory;
+      stats.availableMemory += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableMemory;
+      stats.activeEphemeralStorage += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activeEphemeralStorage;
+      stats.pendingEphemeralStorage += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingEphemeralStorage;
+      stats.availableEphemeralStorage += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availableEphemeralStorage;
+      stats.activePersistentStorage += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.activePersistentStorage;
+      stats.pendingPersistentStorage += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.pendingPersistentStorage;
+      stats.availablePersistentStorage += provider.lastSuccessfulSnapshot.availablePersistentStorage;
+      return all;
+    },
+    {
+      activeCPU: 0,
+      pendingCPU: 0,
+      availableCPU: 0,
+      activeGPU: 0,
+      pendingGPU: 0,
+      availableGPU: 0,
+      activeMemory: 0,
+      pendingMemory: 0,
+      availableMemory: 0,
+      activeStorage: 0,
+      pendingStorage: 0,
+      availableStorage: 0,
+      activeEphemeralStorage: 0,
+      pendingEphemeralStorage: 0,
+      availableEphemeralStorage: 0,
+      activePersistentStorage: 0,
+      pendingPersistentStorage: 0,
+      availablePersistentStorage: 0
+    }
+  );
   return {
+    activeProviderCount: filteredProviders.length,
+    activeStorage: stats.activeEphemeralStorage + stats.activePersistentStorage,
+    pendingStorage: stats.pendingEphemeralStorage + stats.pendingPersistentStorage,
+    availableStorage: stats.availableEphemeralStorage + stats.availablePersistentStorage,
     totalCPU: stats.activeCPU + stats.pendingCPU + stats.availableCPU,
     totalGPU: stats.activeGPU + stats.pendingGPU + stats.availableGPU,
@@ -96,10 +124,8 @@ export const getProviderList = async () => {
   const distinctProviders = providersWithAttributesAndAuditors.filter((value, index, self) => self.map(x => x.hostUri).lastIndexOf(value.hostUri) === index);
-  const providerAttributeSchemaQuery = getProviderAttributesSchema();
-  const auditorsQuery = getAuditors();
-  const [auditors, providerAttributeSchema] = await Promise.all([auditorsQuery, providerAttributeSchemaQuery]);
+  const [auditors, providerAttributeSchema] = await Promise.all([getAuditors(), getProviderAttributesSchema()]);
   return distinctProviders.map(x => {
     const lastSuccessfulSnapshot = providerWithNodes.find(p => p.owner === x.owner)?.lastSuccessfulSnapshot;
@@ -151,10 +177,7 @@ export const getProviderDetail = async (address: string): Promise<ProviderDetail
     : null;
-  const providerAttributeSchemaQuery = getProviderAttributesSchema();
-  const auditorsQuery = getAuditors();
-  const [auditors, providerAttributeSchema] = await Promise.all([auditorsQuery, providerAttributeSchemaQuery]);
+  const [auditors, providerAttributeSchema] = await Promise.all([getAuditors(), getProviderAttributesSchema()]);
   return {
     ...mapProviderToList(provider, providerAttributeSchema, auditors, lastSuccessfulSnapshot),
diff --git a/apps/api/src/types/provider.ts b/apps/api/src/types/provider.ts
index 2dedbd6e1..1ab17b638 100644
--- a/apps/api/src/types/provider.ts
+++ b/apps/api/src/types/provider.ts
@@ -24,18 +24,30 @@ export interface ProviderList {
   lastOnlineDate: Date;
   isAudited: boolean;
   gpuModels: { vendor: string; model: string; ram: string; interface: string }[];
+  stats: {
+    cpu: StatsItem;
+    gpu: StatsItem;
+    memory: StatsItem;
+    storage: {
+      ephemeral: StatsItem;
+      persistent: StatsItem;
+    },
+  };
+  /** @deprecated use `stats` instead */
   activeStats: {
     cpu: number;
     gpu: number;
     memory: number;
     storage: number;
+  /** @deprecated use `stats` instead */
   pendingStats: {
     cpu: number;
     gpu: number;
     memory: number;
     storage: number;
+  /** @deprecated use `stats` instead */
   availableStats: {
     cpu: number;
     gpu: number;
@@ -130,3 +142,9 @@ export type Auditor = {
   address: string;
   website: string;
+export interface StatsItem {
+  active: number;
+  available: number;
+  pending: number;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/api/src/utils/map/provider.ts b/apps/api/src/utils/map/provider.ts
index 452c19e51..c9d682383 100644
--- a/apps/api/src/utils/map/provider.ts
+++ b/apps/api/src/utils/map/provider.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { Provider, ProviderSnapshot, ProviderSnapshotNode } from "@akashnetwork/database/dbSchemas/akash";
 import semver from "semver";
-import { Auditor, ProviderAttributesSchema, ProviderList } from "@src/types/provider";
+import { Auditor, ProviderAttributesSchema, ProviderList, StatsItem } from "@src/types/provider";
 import { createFilterUnique } from "../array/array";
 export const mapProviderToList = (
@@ -10,9 +10,18 @@ export const mapProviderToList = (
   auditors: Array<Auditor>,
   lastSuccessfulSnapshot?: ProviderSnapshot
 ): ProviderList => {
-  const isValidVersion = provider.cosmosSdkVersion ? semver.gte(provider.cosmosSdkVersion, "v0.45.9") : false;
+  const isValidSdkVersion = provider.cosmosSdkVersion ? semver.gte(provider.cosmosSdkVersion, "v0.45.9") : false;
   const name = provider.isOnline ? new URL(provider.hostUri).hostname : null;
   const gpuModels = getDistinctGpuModelsFromNodes(lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.nodes || []);
+  const stats: ProviderList['stats'] = {
+    cpu: buildStatsItem('CPU', lastSuccessfulSnapshot, isValidSdkVersion),
+    gpu: buildStatsItem('GPU', lastSuccessfulSnapshot, isValidSdkVersion),
+    memory: buildStatsItem('Memory', lastSuccessfulSnapshot, isValidSdkVersion),
+    storage: {
+      ephemeral: buildStatsItem('EphemeralStorage', lastSuccessfulSnapshot, isValidSdkVersion),
+      persistent: buildStatsItem('PersistentStorage', lastSuccessfulSnapshot, isValidSdkVersion),
+    },
+  };
   return {
     owner: provider.owner,
@@ -32,29 +41,15 @@ export const mapProviderToList = (
     ipCountryCode: provider.ipCountryCode,
     ipLat: provider.ipLat,
     ipLon: provider.ipLon,
-    activeStats: {
-      cpu: lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.activeCPU,
-      gpu: lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.activeGPU,
-      memory: lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.activeMemory,
-      storage: lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.activeEphemeralStorage + lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.activePersistentStorage
-    },
-    pendingStats: {
-      cpu: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.pendingCPU : 0,
-      gpu: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.pendingGPU : 0,
-      memory: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.pendingMemory : 0,
-      storage: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.pendingEphemeralStorage + lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.pendingPersistentStorage : 0
-    },
-    availableStats: {
-      cpu: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.availableCPU : 0,
-      gpu: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.availableGPU : 0,
-      memory: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.availableMemory : 0,
-      storage: isValidVersion ? lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.availableEphemeralStorage + lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.availablePersistentStorage : 0
-    },
+    stats,
+    activeStats: buildLegacyStatsItem(stats, 'active'),
+    pendingStats: buildLegacyStatsItem(stats, 'pending'),
+    availableStats: buildLegacyStatsItem(stats, 'pending'),
     gpuModels: gpuModels,
     uptime1d: provider.uptime1d,
     uptime7d: provider.uptime7d,
     uptime30d: provider.uptime30d,
-    isValidVersion,
+    isValidVersion: isValidSdkVersion,
     isOnline: provider.isOnline,
     lastOnlineDate: lastSuccessfulSnapshot?.checkDate,
     isAudited: provider.providerAttributeSignatures.some(a => auditors.some(y => y.address === a.auditor)),
@@ -93,6 +88,32 @@ export const mapProviderToList = (
   } as ProviderList;
+type StatsEntry = 'CPU' | 'GPU' | 'Memory' | 'PersistentStorage' | 'EphemeralStorage';
+function buildStatsItem<T extends StatsEntry>(suffix: T, snapshot: ProviderSnapshot | undefined | null, isValidSdkVersion: boolean): StatsItem {
+  if (!isValidSdkVersion) {
+    return {
+      active: snapshot?.[`active${suffix}`] || 0,
+      available: 0,
+      pending: 0,
+    };
+  }
+  return {
+    active: snapshot?.[`active${suffix}`] || 0,
+    available: snapshot?.[`available${suffix}`] || 0,
+    pending: snapshot?.[`pending${suffix}`] || 0,
+  };
+function buildLegacyStatsItem(stats: ProviderList['stats'], type: keyof StatsItem) {
+  return {
+    cpu: stats.cpu[type],
+    gpu: stats.gpu[type],
+    memory: stats.memory[type],
+    storage: stats.storage.ephemeral[type] + stats.storage.persistent[type],
+  };
 function getDistinctGpuModelsFromNodes(nodes: ProviderSnapshotNode[]) {
   const gpuModels = nodes.flatMap(x => x.gpus).map(x => ({ vendor: x.vendor, model: x.name, ram: x.memorySize, interface: x.interface }));
   const distinctGpuModels = gpuModels.filter(
@@ -102,8 +123,8 @@ function getDistinctGpuModelsFromNodes(nodes: ProviderSnapshotNode[]) {
   return distinctGpuModels;
-export const getProviderAttributeValue = (
-  key: keyof ProviderAttributesSchema,
+export const getProviderAttributeValue = <TKey extends keyof ProviderAttributesSchema>(
+  key: TKey,
   provider: Provider,
   providerAttributeSchema: ProviderAttributesSchema
 ): string | string[] | boolean | number | null => {
diff --git a/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/NetworkCapacity.tsx b/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/NetworkCapacity.tsx
index 78202525e..8101df357 100644
--- a/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/NetworkCapacity.tsx
+++ b/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/NetworkCapacity.tsx
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 "use client";
 import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
-import { ResponsivePie } from "@nivo/pie";
+import { ComputedDatum, PieTooltipProps, ResponsivePie } from "@nivo/pie";
+import { BasicTooltip } from "@nivo/tooltip";
 import { useTheme } from "next-themes";
 import useTailwind from "@src/hooks/useTailwind";
 import { roundDecimal } from "@src/utils/mathHelpers";
 import { bytesToShrink } from "@src/utils/unitUtils";
-type Props = {
+const getPieChartEntryColor = (datum: ComputedDatum<{ color: string }>) => datum.data.color;
+export interface Props {
   activeCPU: number;
   pendingCPU: number;
   totalCPU: number;
@@ -20,52 +23,44 @@ type Props = {
   activeStorage: number;
   pendingStorage: number;
   totalStorage: number;
+  activeEphemeralStorage: number;
+  pendingEphemeralStorage: number;
+  availableEphemeralStorage: number;
+  activePersistentStorage: number;
+  pendingPersistentStorage: number;
+  availablePersistentStorage: number;
-const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
-  activeCPU,
-  pendingCPU,
-  totalCPU,
-  activeGPU,
-  pendingGPU,
-  totalGPU,
-  activeMemory,
-  pendingMemory,
-  totalMemory,
-  activeStorage,
-  pendingStorage,
-  totalStorage
-}) => {
-  const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
-  const tw = useTailwind();
+const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = props => {
+  const {
+    activeCPU,
+    pendingCPU,
+    totalCPU,
+    activeGPU,
+    pendingGPU,
+    totalGPU,
+    activeMemory,
+    pendingMemory,
+    totalMemory,
+    activeStorage,
+    pendingStorage,
+    totalStorage
+  } = props;
   const activeMemoryBytes = activeMemory + pendingMemory;
   const availableMemoryBytes = totalMemory - (activeMemory + pendingMemory);
   const activeStorageBytes = activeStorage + pendingStorage;
-  const availableStorageBytes = totalStorage - (activeStorage + pendingStorage);
   const _activeMemory = bytesToShrink(activeMemoryBytes);
   const _totalMemory = bytesToShrink(totalMemory);
   const _availableMemory = bytesToShrink(availableMemoryBytes);
   const _activeStorage = bytesToShrink(activeStorageBytes);
-  const _availableStorage = bytesToShrink(availableStorageBytes);
   const _totalStorage = bytesToShrink(totalStorage);
   const cpuData = useData(activeCPU + pendingCPU, totalCPU - activeCPU - pendingCPU);
   const gpuData = useData(activeGPU + pendingGPU, totalGPU - activeGPU - pendingGPU);
   const memoryData = useData(activeMemoryBytes, availableMemoryBytes);
-  const storageData = useData(activeStorageBytes, availableStorageBytes);
+  const storageData = useStorageData(props);
   const pieTheme = usePieTheme();
   const intl = useIntl();
-  const _getColor = bar => getColor(bar.id);
-  const colors = {
-    active: tw.theme.colors["primary"].DEFAULT,
-    available: resolvedTheme === "dark" ? tw.theme.colors.neutral[800] : tw.theme.colors.neutral[500]
-  };
-  const getColor = (id: string) => {
-    return colors[id];
-  };
   return (
     <div className="flex flex-col items-start md:flex-row md:items-center">
       <div className="basis-1/4">
@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
-            colors={_getColor}
+            colors={getPieChartEntryColor}
               from: "color",
@@ -95,8 +90,9 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
               })} CPU`
-            arcLabelsSkipAngle={10}
+            arcLabelsSkipAngle={30}
+            tooltip={TooltipLabel}
@@ -114,7 +110,7 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
-            colors={_getColor}
+            colors={getPieChartEntryColor}
               from: "color",
@@ -127,8 +123,9 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
               })} GPU`
-            arcLabelsSkipAngle={10}
+            arcLabelsSkipAngle={30}
+            tooltip={TooltipLabel}
@@ -146,7 +143,7 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
-            colors={_getColor}
+            colors={getPieChartEntryColor}
               from: "color",
@@ -158,8 +155,9 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
                 : `${roundDecimal(_availableMemory.value, 2)} ${_availableMemory.unit}`
-            arcLabelsSkipAngle={10}
+            arcLabelsSkipAngle={30}
+            tooltip={TooltipLabel}
@@ -177,20 +175,20 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
-            colors={_getColor}
+            colors={getPieChartEntryColor}
               from: "color",
               modifiers: [["darker", 0.2]]
-            valueFormat={value =>
-              value === activeStorageBytes
-                ? `${roundDecimal(_activeStorage.value, 2)} ${_activeStorage.unit}`
-                : `${roundDecimal(_availableStorage.value, 2)} ${_availableStorage.unit}`
-            }
+            valueFormat={value => {
+              const formatted = bytesToShrink(value);
+              return `${roundDecimal(formatted.value, 2)} ${formatted.unit}`;
+            }}
-            arcLabelsSkipAngle={10}
+            arcLabelsSkipAngle={30}
+            tooltip={TooltipLabel}
@@ -199,6 +197,7 @@ const NetworkCapacity: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
 const useData = (active: number, available: number) => {
+  const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
   const tw = useTailwind();
   return [
@@ -212,13 +211,43 @@ const useData = (active: number, available: number) => {
       id: "available",
       label: "Available",
       value: available,
-      // TODO
-      // color: tw.theme.colors["success"].DEFAULT
-      color: tw.theme.colors.green[600]
+      color: resolvedTheme === "dark" ? tw.theme.colors.neutral[800] : tw.theme.colors.neutral[500]
+function useStorageData(props: Props) {
+  const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
+  const tw = useTailwind();
+  return [
+    {
+      id: "active-ephemeral",
+      label: "Active emphemeral",
+      color: tw.theme.colors["primary"].DEFAULT,
+      value: props.activeEphemeralStorage + props.pendingEphemeralStorage
+    },
+    {
+      id: "active-persistent",
+      label: "Active persistent",
+      color: tw.theme.colors["primary"].visited,
+      value: props.activePersistentStorage + props.pendingPersistentStorage
+    },
+    {
+      id: "available-emphemeral",
+      label: "Available emphemeral",
+      color: resolvedTheme === "dark" ? tw.theme.colors.neutral[800] : tw.theme.colors.neutral[500],
+      value: props.availableEphemeralStorage
+    },
+    {
+      id: "available-persistent",
+      label: "Available persistent",
+      color: resolvedTheme === "dark" ? tw.theme.colors.neutral[600] : tw.theme.colors.neutral[300],
+      value: props.availablePersistentStorage
+    }
+  ];
 const usePieTheme = () => {
   const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
   const tw = useTailwind();
@@ -238,4 +267,8 @@ const usePieTheme = () => {
+const TooltipLabel = <R,>({ datum }: PieTooltipProps<R>) => (
+  <BasicTooltip id={datum.label} value={datum.formattedValue} enableChip={true} color={datum.color} />
 export default NetworkCapacity;
diff --git a/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderDetail.tsx b/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderDetail.tsx
index bfb5758d9..de49902fe 100644
--- a/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderDetail.tsx
+++ b/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderDetail.tsx
@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ import { LabelValue } from "@src/components/shared/LabelValue";
 import { useWallet } from "@src/context/WalletProvider";
 import { useAllLeases } from "@src/queries/useLeaseQuery";
 import { useProviderAttributesSchema, useProviderDetail, useProviderStatus } from "@src/queries/useProvidersQuery";
-import { ApiProviderDetail, ClientProviderDetailWithStatus } from "@src/types/provider";
+import { ApiProviderDetail, ClientProviderDetailWithStatus, StatsItem } from "@src/types/provider";
 import { domainName, UrlService } from "@src/utils/urlUtils";
 import Layout from "../layout/Layout";
 import { CustomNextSeo } from "../shared/CustomNextSeo";
 import { Title } from "../shared/Title";
 import { ActiveLeasesGraph } from "./ActiveLeasesGraph";
+import type { Props as NetworkCapacityProps } from "./NetworkCapacity";
 import ProviderDetailLayout, { ProviderDetailTabs } from "./ProviderDetailLayout";
 import { ProviderSpecs } from "./ProviderSpecs";
@@ -69,6 +70,29 @@ export const ProviderDetail: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ owner, _provide
   }, [leases]);
+  const networkCapacity = useMemo<NetworkCapacityProps>(() => {
+    return {
+      activeCPU: provider.stats.cpu.active / 1000,
+      pendingCPU: provider.stats.cpu.pending / 1000,
+      totalCPU: collectTotals(provider.stats.cpu) / 1000,
+      activeGPU: provider.stats.gpu.active,
+      pendingGPU: provider.stats.gpu.pending,
+      totalGPU: collectTotals(provider.stats.gpu),
+      activeMemory: provider.stats.memory.active,
+      pendingMemory: provider.stats.memory.pending,
+      totalMemory: collectTotals(provider.stats.memory),
+      activeStorage: provider.stats.storage.ephemeral.active + provider.stats.storage.persistent.active,
+      pendingStorage: provider.stats.storage.ephemeral.pending + provider.stats.storage.persistent.pending,
+      totalStorage: collectTotals(provider.stats.storage.ephemeral) + collectTotals(provider.stats.storage.persistent),
+      activeEphemeralStorage: provider.stats.storage.ephemeral.active,
+      pendingEphemeralStorage: provider.stats.storage.ephemeral.pending,
+      availableEphemeralStorage: provider.stats.storage.ephemeral.available,
+      activePersistentStorage: provider.stats.storage.persistent.active,
+      pendingPersistentStorage: provider.stats.storage.persistent.pending,
+      availablePersistentStorage: provider.stats.storage.persistent.available
+    };
+  }, [provider]);
   const refresh = () => {
@@ -119,23 +143,10 @@ export const ProviderDetail: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ owner, _provide
-        {provider && wasRecentlyOnline && (
+        {networkCapacity && wasRecentlyOnline && (
             <div className="mb-4">
-              <NetworkCapacity
-                activeCPU={provider.activeStats.cpu / 1000}
-                activeGPU={provider.activeStats.gpu}
-                activeMemory={provider.activeStats.memory}
-                activeStorage={provider.activeStats.storage}
-                pendingCPU={provider.pendingStats.cpu / 1000}
-                pendingGPU={provider.pendingStats.gpu}
-                pendingMemory={provider.pendingStats.memory}
-                pendingStorage={provider.pendingStats.storage}
-                totalCPU={(provider.availableStats.cpu + provider.pendingStats.cpu + provider.activeStats.cpu) / 1000}
-                totalGPU={provider.availableStats.gpu + provider.pendingStats.gpu + provider.activeStats.gpu}
-                totalMemory={provider.availableStats.memory + provider.pendingStats.memory + provider.activeStats.memory}
-                totalStorage={provider.availableStats.storage + provider.pendingStats.storage + provider.activeStats.storage}
-              />
+              <NetworkCapacity {...networkCapacity} />
             <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-4 space-y-4 lg:grid-cols-2">
@@ -253,3 +264,7 @@ export const ProviderDetail: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ owner, _provide
+function collectTotals(item: StatsItem): number {
+  return item.active + item.available + item.pending;
diff --git a/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderList.tsx b/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderList.tsx
index 226be36a9..dfd09b0e9 100644
--- a/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderList.tsx
+++ b/apps/deploy-web/src/components/providers/ProviderList.tsx
@@ -200,20 +200,7 @@ export const ProviderList: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
       {providers && networkCapacity && (
         <div className="mb-8">
-          <NetworkCapacity
-            activeCPU={networkCapacity.activeCPU}
-            pendingCPU={networkCapacity.pendingCPU}
-            totalCPU={networkCapacity.totalCPU}
-            activeGPU={networkCapacity.activeGPU}
-            pendingGPU={networkCapacity.pendingGPU}
-            totalGPU={networkCapacity.totalGPU}
-            activeMemory={networkCapacity.activeMemory}
-            pendingMemory={networkCapacity.pendingMemory}
-            totalMemory={networkCapacity.totalMemory}
-            activeStorage={networkCapacity.activeStorage}
-            pendingStorage={networkCapacity.pendingStorage}
-            totalStorage={networkCapacity.totalStorage}
-          />
+          <NetworkCapacity {...networkCapacity} />
diff --git a/apps/deploy-web/src/types/provider.ts b/apps/deploy-web/src/types/provider.ts
index 2f6427b0f..306a09a6b 100644
--- a/apps/deploy-web/src/types/provider.ts
+++ b/apps/deploy-web/src/types/provider.ts
@@ -208,24 +208,36 @@ export interface ApiProviderList {
   lastOnlineDate: string;
   isAudited: boolean;
   gpuModels: { vendor: string; model: string; ram: string; interface: string }[];
+  /** @deprecated use `stats` instead */
   activeStats: {
     cpu: number;
     gpu: number;
     memory: number;
     storage: number;
+  /** @deprecated use `stats` instead */
   pendingStats: {
     cpu: number;
     gpu: number;
     memory: number;
     storage: number;
+  /** @deprecated use `stats` instead */
   availableStats: {
     cpu: number;
     gpu: number;
     memory: number;
     storage: number;
+  stats: {
+    cpu: StatsItem;
+    gpu: StatsItem;
+    memory: StatsItem;
+    storage: {
+      ephemeral: StatsItem;
+      persistent: StatsItem;
+    };
+  },
   attributes: Array<{
     key: string;
     value: string;
@@ -292,3 +304,9 @@ export interface ApiProviderRegion {
   description: string;
   providers: string[];
+export interface StatsItem {
+  active: number;
+  available: number;
+  pending: number;
\ No newline at end of file