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Provider upgrade instructions (Provider 0.1.0 to 0.2.1 and Node 0.20.0 to 0.22.0)

Provider Upgrade Instructions 0.1.0 to 0.2.1

Backup Manifests & CRDs

Before doing the upgrade, please make sure to backup the manifests and CRDs:

mkdir before
cd before
for i in manifests providerhosts providerleasedips; do kubectl get crd $ -o yaml > $i-backup.crd.yaml; kubectl -n lease get $i -o yaml > $i-backup.yaml; done

They can help in troubleshooting the issues should any arise later.


Upgrading akash-provider from 0.1.0 to 0.2.1.

STEP1 - Patch the CRD using this command:

kubectl patch crd --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/versions/0/schema/openAPIV3Schema/properties/spec/properties/group/properties/services/items/properties/command", "value":{"type":"array"}}, {"op": "add", "path": "/spec/versions/0/schema/openAPIV3Schema/properties/spec/properties/group/properties/services/items/properties/command/items", "value":{"type":"string"}}]'

STEP2 - Delete akash-provider-statefulset-restart cronjob

kubectl -n akash-services delete cronjob.batch/akash-provider-statefulset-restart serviceaccount/provider-restart

STEP3 - Update helm-chart repo

helm repo remove akash
helm repo add akash
helm repo update akash

STEP4 - Verify the version

APP version should be: 0.2.1

# helm search repo akash/provider
NAME          	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                          
akash/provider	4.2.3        	0.2.1      	Installs an Akash provider (required)

STEP5 - Update akash-provider helm-chart

Save current akash-provider config to akash-provider-values.yml file:

helm -n akash-services get values akash-provider | grep -v '^USER-SUPPLIED VALUES' > akash-provider-values.yml

Inspect akash-provider-values.yml file and make sure to remove image.tag, image.repository directives from your config.

Upgrade the akash-provider chart:

helm upgrade --install akash-provider akash/provider -n akash-services -f akash-provider-values.yml


Upgrading akash-node from 0.20.0 to 0.22.0.

STEP1 - Update helm-chart repo

helm repo remove akash
helm repo add akash
helm repo update akash

STEP2 - Verify the version

APP version should be: 0.22.0

# helm search repo akash/akash-node
NAME            	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                          
akash/akash-node	5.3.0        	0.22.0     	Installs an Akash RPC node (required)

STEP3 - Update akash-node helm-chart

Save current akash-node config to akash-node-values.yml file:

helm -n akash-services get values akash-node | grep -v '^USER-SUPPLIED VALUES' > akash-node-values.yml

Inspect akash-node-values.yml file and make sure to remove image.tag, image.repository directives from your config.

Upgrade the akash-node chart:

helm upgrade --install akash-node akash/akash-node -n akash-services -f akash-node-values.yml