Prior to the provider
version 0.2.1
(akash/provider helm-chart version 4.2.0
) there was an issue which was affecting some deployments.
The deployments with the command
explicitly set in their SDL manifest files were losing it upon akash-provider
pod/service restart.
This was leading to their replica pods running in CrashLoopBackOff
state on the provider side reserving additional resources, while the original replica was still running which was not visible to the client.
- Double amount of the resources are being occupied by the deployment on the provider side
- Manifests of these deployments are missing the command
The good news is that both issues can be fixed without the customer intervention.
Once you have updated your provider to 0.2.1 version or greater following the instructions, you can patch the manifests with the correct command which will get rid of the deployments left in CrashLoopBackOff
STEP1 - Backup manifests
Before patching the manifests, please make sure to back them up.
mkdir before
cd before
for i in manifests providerhosts providerleasedips; do kubectl -n lease get $i -o yaml > $i-backup.yaml; done
They can help in troubleshooting the issues should any arise later.
STEP2 - Collect the deployments which are affected by the lost command issue
kubectl get deployment -l -A -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace} {}{"\n"}{end}' |
while read ns app; do
kubectl -n $ns rollout status --timeout=60s deployment/${app} >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
kubectl -n $ns rollout history deployment/${app} -o json |
jq -r '[(.metadata | .annotations."", .namespace, .name), (.spec.template.spec.containers[0].command|tostring)] | @tsv'
Example Output:
revision, namespace, pod, command
3 2anv3d7diieucjlga92fk8e5ej12kk8vmtkpi9fpju79a cloud-sql-proxy-7bfb55ddb ["sh","-c"]
4 2anv3d7diieucjlga92fk8e5ej12kk8vmtkpi9fpju79a cloud-sql-proxy-57c8f9ff48 null
3 2dl4vdk2f7ia1m0vme8nqkv0dadnnj15becr5pmfu9j22 cloud-sql-proxy-7dc7f5b856 ["sh","-c"]
4 2dl4vdk2f7ia1m0vme8nqkv0dadnnj15becr5pmfu9j22 cloud-sql-proxy-864fd4cff4 null
1 2k83g8gstuugse0952arremk4gphib709gi7b6q6srfdo app-78756d77ff ["bash","-c"]
2 2k83g8gstuugse0952arremk4gphib709gi7b6q6srfdo app-578b949f48 null
7 2qpj8537lq7tiv9fabdhk8mn4j75h3anhtqb1b881fhie cloud-sql-proxy-7c5f486d9b ["sh","-c"]
8 2qpj8537lq7tiv9fabdhk8mn4j75h3anhtqb1b881fhie cloud-sql-proxy-6c95666bc8 null
1 b49oi05ph3bo7rdn2kvkkpk4tcigb3ts0o7sp40fcdk5o app-b58f9bb4f ["bash","-c"]
2 b49oi05ph3bo7rdn2kvkkpk4tcigb3ts0o7sp40fcdk5o app-6dd87bb7c6 null
3 b49oi05ph3bo7rdn2kvkkpk4tcigb3ts0o7sp40fcdk5o app-57c67cc57d ["bash","-c"]
4 b49oi05ph3bo7rdn2kvkkpk4tcigb3ts0o7sp40fcdk5o app-655567846f null
The pods with the null commands are the bad replicas in this case, affected by the lost command issue.
You might see some pods with null
commands for those replicas which stuck in Pending
state because of insufficient resources on the provider, just ignore those.
They will start back again once provider regains enough capacity.
STEP3 - Patch the manifests
kubectl get deployment -l -A -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace} {}{"\n"}{end}' |
while read ns app; do
kubectl -n $ns rollout status --timeout=60s deployment/${app} >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]]; then
command=$(kubectl -n $ns rollout history deployment/${app} -o json | jq -sMc '.[0].spec.template.spec.containers[0].command | select(length > 0)')
if [[ $command != "null" && ! -z $command ]]; then
index=$(kubectl -n lease get manifests $ns -o json | jq --arg app $app -r '[[]] | map(.name == $app) | index(true)')
if [[ $index == "null" || -z $index ]]; then
echo "Error: index=$index, skipping $ns/$app ..."
echo "Patching manifest ${ns} to return the ${app} app its command: ${command} (index: ${index})"
kubectl -n lease patch manifests $ns --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/group/services/'${index}'/command", "value":'${command}'}]'
### to debug: --dry-run=client -o json | jq -Mc '[0].command'
### locate service by its name instead of using the index: kubectl -n lease get manifests $ns -o json | jq --indent 4 --arg app $app --argjson command $command -r '([] | select(.name == $app)) |= . + { command: $command }' | kubectl apply -f -
echo "Skipping ${ns}/${app} which does not use command in SDL."
Example Output:
Patching manifest 2anv3d7diieucjlga92fk8e5ej12kk8vmtkpi9fpju79a to return the cloud-sql-proxy its command: ["sh","-c"] patched
Patching manifest 2dl4vdk2f7ia1m0vme8nqkv0dadnnj15becr5pmfu9j22 to return the cloud-sql-proxy its command: ["sh","-c"] patched
Patching manifest 2k83g8gstuugse0952arremk4gphib709gi7b6q6srfdo to return the app its command: ["bash","-c"] patched
Patching manifest 2qpj8537lq7tiv9fabdhk8mn4j75h3anhtqb1b881fhie to return the cloud-sql-proxy its command: ["sh","-c"] patched
Patching manifest b49oi05ph3bo7rdn2kvkkpk4tcigb3ts0o7sp40fcdk5o to return the app its command: ["bash","-c"] patched
STEP4 - Bounce the provider pod/service
kubectl -n akash-services delete pods -l app=akash-provider
That's all. The bad replicas will disappear on their own.
Example with one namespace:
0obkk0j6vdnp7qmsj477a88ml4i0639628gcn016smrg0 cloud-sql-proxy-69f75ffbdc-c5t69 1/1 Running 0 20d
0obkk0j6vdnp7qmsj477a88ml4i0639628gcn016smrg0 syncer-59c447b98c-t9xv9 1/1 Running 36 (15h ago) 20d
0obkk0j6vdnp7qmsj477a88ml4i0639628gcn016smrg0 cloud-sql-proxy-56b5685cc7-qjvh2 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 5587 (48s ago) 19d
0obkk0j6vdnp7qmsj477a88ml4i0639628gcn016smrg0 cloud-sql-proxy-69f75ffbdc-c5t69 1/1 Running 0 20d
0obkk0j6vdnp7qmsj477a88ml4i0639628gcn016smrg0 syncer-59c447b98c-t9xv9 1/1 Running 36 (15h ago) 20d
- Persistent storage enabled deployments are of statefulset kind.
- These do not have replicas and thus
containers. - There is no impact, so you can skip them.
- However, if you still want to fix their manifests, then apply the following procedure
STEP1 - Verify the statefulset deployments
Here you can ignore the "null" ones, they are normal deployments just not using the command in their SDL manifest files.
kubectl get statefulset -l -A -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace} {}{"\n"}{end}' |
while read ns app; do
kubectl -n $ns get statefulset $app -o json | jq -r '[(.metadata | .namespace, .name), (.spec.template.spec.containers[0].command|tostring)] | @tsv'
Example Output:
4ibg2ii0dssqtvb149thrd4a6a46g4mkcln2v70s6p20c hnsnode ["hsd","--bip37=true","--public-host=REDACTED","--listen=true","--port=REDACTED","--max-inbound=REDACTED"]
66g95hmtta0bn8dajdcimo55glf60sne7cg8u9mv6j9l6 postgres ["sh","-c"]
esnphe9a86mmn3ibdcrncul82nnck7p4dpdj69ogu4b7o validator null
idr99rvt44lt6m1rp7vc1o0thpfqdqgcnfplj2a92ju86 web null
k9ch280ud97qle6bqli9bqk65pn7h07tohmrmq88sofq2 wiki null
tahcqnrs6dvo9ugee59q94nthgq5mm645e89cmml906m2 node null
STEP2 - Patch the manifest
kubectl get statefulset -l -A -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace} {}{"\n"}{end}' |
while read ns app; do
command=$(kubectl -n $ns get statefulset $app -o json | jq -Mc '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].command')
if [[ $command != "null" && ! -z $command ]]; then
echo "Patching manifest ${ns} to return the ${app} its command: ${command}"
kubectl -n lease patch manifests $ns --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/group/services/0/command", "value":'${command}'}]'
## to debug: --dry-run=client -o json | jq -Mc '[0].command'
echo "Skipping ${ns}/${app} which does not use command in SDL."
That's all. There is no need bouncing the akash-provider
pod/service for the statefulset deployment.