- Change-Tracker
- What's change-tracker?
- What's .AsNoTracking()?
- How EF detect changes when you update a property value?
- Inheritance (TPT, TPH)
- What's TPT?
- What's TPH?
- Migrations
- What are migrations?
- What we achieve with them?
- Code-First vs Database-First
- What's code-first approach?
- What's database-first approach?
- How to use code-first when we have an existing database schema?
- Database-Provider mechanisms (SQL-Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, In-Memory, ...)
- What are Providers in EF-Core?
- How can we use EF-Core in unit-tests?
- Fluent-API
- What's fluent-api?
- Advantages and downsides against Attributes
- SaveChanges(), When & Why?
- Transaction Management
- How can we rollback a failed transaction in EF?
- DbContext Lifetime
- What's EF-Core's default lifetime? Do you know Why?
- Can we use Singleton as DbContext's lifetime? Why?
- Value-Converters
- What are value-converters in EF?
- What are its usages?