A simple telegram bot.
Which main feature is its sed command, the famous UNIX command.
The bot has the following dependencies:
Which can be installed with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt \
-r dev-requirements.txt # Add this when developing the bot
poetry shell
The captcha command may depend on fonts-freefont-ttf
, which can be installed
sudo apt install fonts-freefont-ttf
The OCR command depends on tesseract-ocr
, which can be installed with:
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
You have to place your bot token either in the environment variables or in the config files, by manually editing them:
nano sadbot/config.py
nano Dockerfile # If you are using Docker/Podman
In the sadbot/config.py
file you can also find the settings for configurable
bot commands (like cringe
, roulette
Here's how you run the bot manually:
nohup PYTHONPATH=. python3 -m sadbot & disown
Alternatively, you can create a new systemd service, which handles the bot restart in a way more neat way, with these commands:
sed -i 's/userplaceholder/BOTUSER' sadbot.service
sed -i 's/pathplaceholder/BOTPATH' sadbot.service
sudo cp sadbot.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service sadbot start
And to check the bot status you can simply type:
sudo service sadbot status
or, for reading the full log:
sudo journalctl -u sadbot.service
If you like docker or podman, you can easily build the container using the Dockerfile:
sudo docker build -m sadbot .
Then you can easily start the bot with:
sudo docker run -it sadbot
Pull requests are welcome.
It's recommended to use pylint
, black
and mypy
to check and review the
code before submitting it. You can set up all these three by enabling
pre-commit install
If you want to add a new command you just have to write a new module file in the
commands directory.
Here is a sample bot command, sample_command.py
, it's code is pretty
"""Sample/uwuspeak bot command"""
# this import is required in every module:
from typing import Optional, List
# this imports is optional:
import re
# this imports is optional:
from sadbot.message_repository import MessageRepository
# you need to import the handler type, every command is tied to just one type
from sadbot.command_interface import CommandInterface, BOT_HANDLER_TYPE_MESSAGE
from sadbot.message import Message
# then you need to import the bot action type
from sadbot.bot_action import BotAction, BOT_ACTION_TYPE_REPLY_IMAGE
# the class name must be the pascal case of the module filename + "BotCommand"
class UwuBotCommand(CommandInterface):
"""This is the sample command bot command class"""
# the constructor is NOT required. Anyway if the bot command need some
# dependencies, they will be automatically injected through it
def __init__(self, message_repository: MessageRepository):
"""Initializes the command class"""
self.message_repository = message_repository
def handler_type(self) -> int:
"""Here is the type of event handled by the command"""
def command_regex(self) -> str:
"""Here is the regex that triggers this bot command"""
regex = r"uwu(.*)?"
return regex
def get_reply(self, message: Optional[Message] = None) -> Optional[List[BotAction]]:
"""This function can return some bot actions/replies that will be sent later"""
# this is an example on how you can process the message that triggered
# the command to get a custom reply
# here we are getting the last message sent in the chat with the support of
# a very useful module of sadbot we're injecting into this class
# we could also have injected the direct database connection and retrieved
# the last message directly
if message is None:
return None
if message.reply_id is not None:
previous_message = self.message_repository.get_message_from_id(
message.reply_id, message.chat_id
matching_message = Message(chat_id=message.chat_id)
previous_message = self.message_repository.get_previous_message(
matching_message, r"^(?!\s*$).+"
if previous_message is None:
return None
if previous_message.text is None or previous_message.text == "":
return None
# uwu-mocking the message found
reply_text = re.sub(r"(\w{3})", r"\1w", previous_message.text)
except re.error:
return None
# here is how you open/set an image for the bot action, please note that in
# this project the standard directory for storing command assets is:
# ./sadbot/assets/{command_name}/
with open("./sadbot/assets/uwu/uwu.jpg", mode="rb") as reply_image_file:
reply_image = reply_image_file.read()
return [
Managers are used for handling sent messages/actions and to perform actions
at specific moments.
Managers are called indirectly by the commands, through the BotAction
attribute reply_callback_manager_name
Additional info may be passed by the commands to the managers by through the
attribute reply_callback_manager_info
So when a manager triggered, it's handle_callback
function will be called and
it will be given as parameters:
- the message that triggered the command
- the optional outgoing message/reply that triggered the manager
- the optional callback info, which will be located in
During the bot startup, every manager is initialized. Managers may behave like containers for multiple sub-managers.
- Antiflood, samewords count and newlines count
- Flush completed TODOs (lol)
- VC Radio
- Group admin settings: enabled modules etc.
- Add user-requested assets to the commands
- Sympy plots: return the bytearray instead of writing it into a file
- Fix bookmark command (it says he found bookmarks even if it didn't)
- Fix mute - sometimes it doesn't work
- Fix ban - sometimes it doesn't work
- Fix kick - sometimes it doesn't work
- Fix seen command - sometimes it doesn't work. It may be a username case sensivity issue
- Flush command (deletes every message after the selected one) (dangerous)
- Create a function that returns {username} / {sender_name} / "User" so we don't repeat the same code in every command (mute, ban, kick, warn, etc.)
- Specific thread post retrival
- Bible json asset
- Move lists code into its own separate class?
- Virustotal command
- Metadata command
- Translate voice command
Fix mute command short interval - Slowmode command
- Good morning / Good night messages/gifs (see how .setrules work); we have to write a manager for this
- Update README.md (check it overall and complete the description for the bot managers)
- Meme caption adder command: adds some text to an image or a video
- Add warn reason (and clean old warnings please...)
- Restart command: better reply message: reply message on startup
- Username change detector (see the UPDATE query on the usernames table; it's halfway done: the table with the data is already there, we just need a callback to send the message)
- Plot3D animated videos
- Fix
managers callback: they are dispatched only after a message is sent, therefore it fails do dispatch new managers -
Add new tables: for images, for edits and for usernamesUpdated existing table -
Del commanduseless - Fix rand command regex: add leading dot / exclamation mark
- Update go schizo regex: allow "goschizo" without space
Git pull command: better reply message - Fix uwu command: sometimes it doesn't reply, probably because it loads a previous empty message
- Compliment command: update regex in order to reply to "Thanks bot"
- Change captcha kick time in config.py to 5 minutes
- Fix translate command: it doesn't support newlines
- Update weed command with "cool 50 ways to say no to weed" (search it on google lmao)
- Fix activity output message (whitespace alignment)
- Deepfry image command
TranslateOCR command: imagestranslateOCR with Tesseract. - Git pull & restart command for the bot owner
- Report command
- Fix seen command
- Fix .remindme (it doesn't work when reminder time is very small)
- Check if the mute/unmute replies are correct (or if it doesn't handle the '@' before the usernames)
- .slap command
- Random hug gifs?
- .getchatid command
- Fix roulette command: initialize (and store) the instance outside the command, in sadbot/classes/revolver.py: the commands call that class and gets the response, period, all the "logic" should be in there. (Because commands are not persistent in memory)
- Fix roulette revolver regex
- .hug command
- Redefine the data directories to sadbot/data/command_name (no command should ever write outside of his data directory. So we have to just change the dir of the captcha image command, and of some other stuff)
- Fix .remindme
- Fix roulette command
- Check if the mute/unmute replies are correct
- Random hug gifs?
- Fix roulette revolver regex
- .getchatid command
- .slap command
- .hug command
- Redefine the data directories to sadbot/assets/command_name and the commands with assets
- Reminder tag/bookmark command
- Add media support for outgoing messages
- Fix the roulette code
- Seen command
- User ratelimit
- Group ratelimit
- FBI watchlist
- Captcha command
- Translate command
- Asynchronous processing <- HIGH PRIORITY | Multithreading
- Welcome messages
- Big chan url pictures
- Beaver command
- Stay cool on weed questions
- Multiple messages per command (return a list)
- Chat events handlers
- Mute command
- Ban command
- Kick command
- MyPy cleanup
- Rewrite managers