INImaker is a GP2X Wiz app that creates INI files for programs that don't have shortcuts in the Wiz Games menu. It can also find and delete INI files that link to deleted programs, and find missing icons.
INImaker always starts in "Safety mode", meaning that you can do anything without actually writing or deleting any files. Please run it first with Safety On, to prevent any trouble caused by potential bugs in the program.
Put INImaker.gpe
anywhere on your SD card, and run it from the Launcher.
Pad - move menu selection
B - confirm menu selection
X - go back to previous menu
Select - toggle Safety on/off
Menu - exit INImaker, or return to main menu
Follow the instructions here.
$ cd ~
$ git clone git:// inimaker -b 2011.08
You may need to edit A2X_PATH
in inimaker/make/Makefile
and inimaker/make/Makefile.wiz
with the correct path to a2x/bin
$ cd ~/inimaker/make
$ make # desktop version
$ make -f Makefile.wiz # GP2X Wiz version
Copyright 2010 Alex Margarit ([email protected])
- Code licensed under GNU GPL3.
- Opening logo (gfx/loading.png) licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.
- Other graphics licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.