issues Search Results · repo:amatsuda/active_decorator language:Ruby
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inamatsuda/active_decorator (press backspace or delete to remove)Model:
class Promoter
class Role ApplicationRecord
class Promoter
class RoleDecorator
def _permissions; end
undefined method `_permissions ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 20, 2023
- #121
I attempted to update my Ruby version from 2.7.7 to 3.0.5, and now I am encountering the following error when running
Error Details
The error stack trace is as follows:
/home/circleci/repo/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/gems/active_decorator-1.4.0/lib/active_decorator/view_context.rb:20:in ...
- Opened on Apr 5, 2023
- #118
Hi there, thanks for creating such a great project!
We noticed that a particular request in our Rails app was slow. Eventually we traced the problem to a decorator that was
calling image_tag. Each call ...
- 2
- Opened on Mar 11, 2021
- #114
With the recent update to Rails 6.1 using ApplicationController.renderer.render causes automatic locals variable
decoration to fail
- Opened on Dec 21, 2020
- #112
It s okay to use decorator methods in actionview, but just like the following case, if I use decorator method in other
decorator, it will be confronted with error.
it will be wonderful if it s possible ...
- 2
- Opened on May 18, 2020
- #107
On writing my UserDecorator, I find it overlap a lot. Just decorate the datetime but I have to repeat writing decorator
a lot.
# frozen_string_literal: true
module UserDecorator
def created_at_datetime ...
- 5
- Opened on Jul 2, 2019
- #104
Here s the backtrace.
And here s the solution:
# frozen_string_literal: true
# A monkey-patch for Action Controller to pass the ...
- 2
- Opened on Apr 30, 2019
- #102
ActiveDecorator generally does a nice job decorating active record associations, but there are gaps. For example:
author = ActiveDecorator::Decorator.instance.decorate(Author.first)
puts author.books.first.is_a?(ActiveDecorator::Decorated) ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 28, 2019
- #99
First of all, thank you very much for this nice gem ! 👍
Like 99% Rails projets I m using devise in order to manage users and I d like to decorate the current_user object from
Devise and I m wondering ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 25, 2019
- #98
From the readme, it says:
ActiveDecorator::ViewContext.run_with do
## perform some heavy jobs here
However, what I did is the following
↪ rails runner ActiveDecorator::ViewContext.run_with( ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 24, 2018
- #97

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