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+# 1-JS-Basics
+## 1. Subtopic 1 - data-types
+### Challenge
+let age = 1; let Age = 2; age == Age (resolves false -- why?). What other gotchas can you find?
+- Here the variable **age** stores 1 whereas **Age** stores 2.
+- So age==Age resolves false because the variables in JavaScript are case sensitive. It means 1==2 which is obviously false.
+- Some other **Gotchas** also occur because JavaScript is a not a Strictly types language.
+1. `'0' == 0` returns true. Whereas `'0' === 0` return false. This is because o type coersion in Javascript.
+2. `'5' + 2` will give 52, `'5' - 3` will give 3, `'5' * 2` gives 10.
+3. There are values which are considered **falsy** like - `false`, `0`, `''`, `null`, `undefined`, `Nan`. `if (''){ console.log("Hello")}` wont run where as `if (' '){console.log("Hello")}` hello will run as there is a space.
+4. JavaScript returns the datatype of null as object which is misleading. `console.log(typeof(null))` returns object. Use === to check for null.
+### Assignment
+Imagine you are building a shopping cart. Write some documentation on the data types that you would need to complete your shopping experience. How did you arrive at your choices?
+The Entities associated with a shopping cart would be **cart**, **user**, **product** and **Location**
+For each entity, the Datatypes would be,
+- Cart
+ - totalItems : `number`- displays total items in the cart.
+ - totalPrice : `number`- display total amount to be paidfor items in the cart.
+ - discount : `number`- the discount % given to the totalPrice.
+ - items : `Array of Objects`- This array contains objects of products.
+- User
+ - userid : `String`- unique id of a particular user.
+ - username : `String`- Name of Customer.
+ - emailid : `String`- contains email id of the customer.
+ - isLoggedIn : `boolean`- Checks if the user is logged in to their account.
+ - userAddress - `String`- shows the customer's address.
+- Product
+ - productid : `String`- unique id for each product.
+ - productName : `String`- Name of Product
+ - quantity : `number`- To display the quantity of each product.
+ - price : `number`- To display the price of each product.
+ - isAvailable : `boolean`- To display if the product is in stock.
+- Location
+ - deliveryAddress : `String`- Address to which the item is to be delivered.
+ - expecteddate : `String`- Expected time and date of delivery for the location.
+### Review and Self-Study
+Exercise Done : **Get URL and URL Parts in JavaScript**
+- I tried the exampole code in VSCode and verified it.
+- Things I Learnt
+ - A url can be divided into parts and connected again in JavaScript using split() function.
+ - The URL broke down into parts can be stored inside variables and the URL can be reconstructed with **+** operator.
+ - A URL can also be stored in a array.
+ - The URL path can be manipulated and connected back again.
+## 2. Subtopic 2 - Functions-Methods
+### Challenge
+Can you articulate in one sentence the difference between functions and methods? Give it a try!
+Functions can take input arguments and return output values. On the other hand, a method is a function that is associated with an object in object-oriented programming. Methods are functions that are called on objects and can modify or access the object's properties.
+### Assignment
+Create different functions, both functions that return something and functions that don't return anything.
+See if you can create a function that has a mix of parameters and parameters with default values.
+1. Function that returns something
+ ```
+ function thisReturns(x, y){
+ z = x + y;
+ return z;
+ }
+ console.log(thisReturns(5, 10))
+ ```
+ This function returns 15.
+2. Function that doesn't return anything.
+ ```
+ function thisDoesNotReturn(x, y){
+ console.log(x+y)
+ }
+ thisDoesNotReturn(10, 10)
+ ```
+ This function doesn't return anything. It just prints 20.
+3. Function with mix of parameters and parameter with default values
+ ```
+ function mixed(x, y = 5){
+ console.log(x+y)
+ }
+ mixed(10)
+ ```
+ Here, 10 is assigned to the variable x and y has default value 15. So it prints 15.
+### Review and Self Study
+Arrow functions cannot be used as methods. They are a better replacement to anonymous functions and traditional function expression.
+1. Without arrow function
+ ```
+ const obj = {
+ num: 100,
+ }
+ const add = function (a, b, c) {
+ return this.num + a + b + c;
+ }
+ console.log(add.call(obj, 1, 2, 3));
+ ```
+2. With arrow function
+ ```
+ const obj = {
+ num: 100,
+ }
+ const add = (a, b, c) => this.num + a + b + c;
+ console.log(add.call(obj, 1, 2, 3));
+ ```
+Both will return the output 106.
+## 3. Subtopic 3 - making-decisions
+### Challenge
+Create a program that is written first with logical operators, and then rewrite it using a ternary expression. What's your preferred syntax?
+- Using Logical Operators
+ ```
+ let x = 50, y = 10;
+ if (x > y){
+ greatest = x;
+ }
+ else{
+ greatest = y;
+ }
+ console.log(greatest);
+ ```
+- Using Ternary Expression
+ ```
+ let x = 50, y = 10;
+ const greatest = (x>y) ? x : y;
+ console.log(greatest);
+ ```
+There both give the same output 50.
+### Assignment
+let allStudents = ['A', 'B-', 1, 4, 5, 2];
+let studentsWhoPass = [];
+for (let i=0; i 3){
+ studentsWhoPass.push(student);
+ }
+ else if(typeof(student) === 'string' && ['A', 'A-', 'B', 'B-', 'C'].includes(student)){
+ studentsWhoPass.push(student)
+ }
+console.log("Students who Passed : "+studentsWhoPass)
+## 4. Subtopic 4 - arrays-loops
+### Challenge
+There are other ways of looping over arrays other than for and while loops. There are forEach, for-of, and map. Rewrite your array loop using one of these techniques
+- Using forEach
+ ```
+ let iceCreamFlavors = ["Chocolate", "Strawberry", "Vanilla", "Pistachio", "Rocky Road"];
+ iceCreamFlavors.forEach( (item) => {
+ console.log(item);
+ } )
+ ```
+ prints all values
+- Using for-of
+ ```
+ let Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ for (let item of Array){
+ console.log(item)
+ }
+ ```
+- Using map
+ ```
+ let Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ let newArray = Array.map((item) => item*10);
+ console.log(newArray);
+ ```
+ newArray contains all the values of Array multplied by 10.
+### Assignment
+Create a program that lists every 3rd number between 1-20 and prints it to the console.
+- It is simple. Just give the iteration step as 3.
+ ```
+ for (let i=1; i<=20; i+=3){
+ console.log(i);
+ }
+ ```