Write a function called maxSubarraySum
that takes an array of integers and a positive integer k
as input. The function should find the maximum sum of any subarray of length k
using an O(n) solution by using the sliding window technique.
* Finds the maximum sum of any subarray of length k in the input array using an O(n^2) solution.
* @param {number[]} arr - The input array of integers.
* @param {number} k - The length of the subarray.
* @returns {number} - The maximum sum of any subarray of length k.
function maxSubarraySum(arr: number[], k: number): number
const arr1 = [2, 5, 3, 1, 11, 7, 6, 4];
const k1 = 3;
console.log(maxSubarraySum(arr1, k1)); // Output: 24
const arr2 = [-2, -5, -3, -1, -11, -7, -6, -4];
const k2 = 4;
console.log(maxSubarraySum(arr2, k2)); // Output: -9
- The input integer
will be between 1 and the length of the array.
- You can use the sliding window technique to efficiently track the sum of subarrays of length k as you iterate through the array.
Click For Solution
function maxSubarraySum(arr, k) {
let maxSum = 0;
let currentSum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) {
maxSum += arr[i];
currentSum = maxSum;
for (let i = k; i < arr.length; i++) {
currentSum = currentSum - arr[i - k] + arr[i];
console.log(`${currentSum} - ${arr[i - k]} + ${arr[i]}`); // Optional
maxSum = Math.max(maxSum, currentSum);
return maxSum;
maxSum and currentSum are initialized to 0. These variables will be used to track the maximum sum and the sum of the current sliding window, respectively.
The first loop (for loop) calculates the sum of the first k elements in the array arr and assigns it to maxSum. This initializes the currentSum and maxSum for the first sliding window.
currentSum is then set to the value of maxSum. This sets the initial sum of the current sliding window.
The second loop (for loop) starts at index k and iterates through the array arr. This loop implements the sliding window technique.
Within the second loop, currentSum is updated using the sliding window concept. The element that leaves the window (at index i - k) is subtracted, and the new element entering the window (at index i) is added.
An optional console.log statement logs the update of currentSum for visualization purposes, showing how the window slides and how the current sum changes.
maxSum is updated using the Math.max function to keep track of the maximum sum encountered during the sliding window traversal.
Finally, the function returns the maxSum, which represents the maximum sum of any subarray of length k in the input array.
test('Finding maximum subarray sum using O(n^2) solution', () => {
const arr1 = [2, 5, 3, 1, 11, 7, 6, 4];
const k1 = 3;
expect(maxSubarraySum(arr1, k1)).toBe(24);
const arr2 = [-2, -5, -3, -1, -11, -7, -6, -4];
const k2 = 4;
expect(maxSubarraySum(arr2, k2)).toBe(-9);
Please note that the provided solution has a time complexity of O(n^2) due to the nested loops.