- Download and install latest Raspbian image. Log in as pi.
- Use sudo raspi-config to expand the filesystem and enable Device Tree and SPI (and anything else you like, such as setting the timezone). Optionally change the hostname to "brewpi".
- Use sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade to bring the OS up to date.
- Edit /boot/config.txt and add dtoverlay=w1-gpio to support the 1-wire bus.
- Install required packages:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip git-core python3-smbus i2c-tools - Install Python packages:
sudo pip3 install spidev RPi.GPIO pyyaml (spi is needed by the pcd8544 LCD module) - sudo adduser fuscus (to make a new user for fuscus code)
- sudo adduser fuscus sudo (because fuscus needs to write to GPIO)
- Use sudo visudo to add this line to allow fuscus to run the Python
file without needing a password
fuscus ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/fuscus/fuscus/fuscus.py - Optionally configure wifi using:
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md - Optionally check/configure temperature sensors using this code:
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=77611 - Copy fuscus code from github
We are going to copy the fuscus source code from the fuscus subdirectory in the git repository into the fuscus home directory, and ignore the other files.
login as fuscus
git init
git remote add -f origin https://github.com/andrewerrington/fuscus.git
git config core.sparseCheckout true
echo "fuscus/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull origin master
Now the source is in /fuscus, with no docs or other files. - Change to the fuscus directory and edit fuscus.ini to enter
your temperature sensor IDs and other settings. A sample fuscus.ini is
saved as fuscus.sample.ini.
cd fuscus
cp fuscus.sample.ini fuscus.ini
nano fuscus.ini - Run fuscus
sudo ./fuscus.py - Log in as pi and install brewpi software using these instructions:
http://docs.brewpi.com/automated-brewpi-install/automated-brewpi-install.html - Edit ~brewpi/settings/config.cfg to change the port setting to port = /dev/fuscus (or whatever you specify in fuscus.ini)
- If you see an error [Errno 22] Invalid argument from BrewPi then
edit BrewPiUtil.py. Add dsrdtr=True and rtscts=True to the
ser = serial.Serial line, around line 132:
ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=baud_rate, timeout=time_out, write_timeout=0, dsrdtr=True, rtscts=True)
The background of this bug is here:
Note that you can run fuscus in a screen session for experimenting, or you can add the command to start fuscus to the fuscus user's crontab in a @reboot entry. An example @reboot entry which discards normal output and logs everything sent to stderr is: @reboot sudo /home/fuscus/fuscus/fuscus.py -c /home/fuscus/fuscus/fuscus.ini 1>/dev/null 2>>/home/fuscus/stderr.txt &
When fuscus is running it will listen on /dev/fuscus for a connection from BrewPi. BrewPi will attempt to connect every minute. This means you may have to wait for up to one minute for BrewPi to connect to fuscus and start getting data.
The DS18B20 sensors are factory-calibrated to ± 0.5 °C, so further calibration should not be necessary, however Fuscus provides a feature to apply a constant offset to each measurement from your sensors if they read a little high or low. To use it, do the following:
- Calibrate your sensors by measuring the temperature they report, and determining the offset from a known temperature reading. You could use testTempSensors.py for this.
- Create the calibration file and open for editing in your favorite
cp calibrate.sample.ini calibrate.ini
nano calibrate.ini - Add the device ID for your sensor along with the offset in °C to be
added to each reading. For example:
28-031590ed07ff = 0.4
would result in sensor 28-031590ed07ff having 0.4 °C added to each reading. Note: the offsets must always be in degrees Celsius, even when running in Fahrenheit mode.
Change the line in BrewPiUtil.py around line 130: ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=baud_rate, timeout=time_out) to ser = serial.serial_for_url(port, baudrate=baud_rate, timeout=time_out) This will allow brewpi to connect to a serial port or a socket
Change the port variable in the config.cfg file from this: port = /dev/ttyACM0 to port = socket://localhost:25518
Fully test the Fahrenheit conversion code to ensure that it works properly with beer profiles