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Code and data related to the paper Efficiently bounding deadline miss probabilities of Markov chain real-time tasks, extended from Continuous-Emission Markov Models for Real-Time Applications: Bounding Deadline Miss Probabilities.

Link to paper:

How to reproduce the main results of the paper from the data in this repository

Installation of a virtual machine

The analysis has been performed with an Ubuntu virtual machine, with at least 1GB RAM. A virtual machine from osboxes can be used.

Install git

user@host:~$sudo apt install git

Install R, packages and dependencies

user@host:~$sudo apt install install libcurl4-openssl-dev 
user@host:~$sudo apt install -no-install-recommends rbase

Install scipy, numpy

user@host:~$sudo apt install python3-numpy
user@host:~$sudo apt install python3-scipy

Clone this repository

user@host:~$git clone

Clone PROSITool

user@host:~$git clone

Reproducing figs 16, 17 and 18

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/fig
user@host:~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/fig$Rscript seqHistAcorrFigs.R

This produces figures 16, 17 and 18 from the timing data in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/traces_reports_csv/control_time_full.csv

Fig. 16 is reproduced in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/fig/trace_sequence.png (and .eps) Fig. 17 is reproduced in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/fig/trace_density.png (and .eps) Fig 18 is reproduced in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/fig/ggplot_acorr.png (and .eps)

Fitting the HMM to the timing data

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/contMMfit
user@host:~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/contMMfit$Rscript fitHMM.R

This fits a HMM to the timing data in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/traces_reports_csv/control_time.csv

The fitted model is described by the files in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/cont. Eq. 41 is reproduced in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/cont/transitionMatrix.txt The mean and standard deviation columns of Table 3 are found in nanoseconds in the first and second columns of ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/cont/normalParams.txt. Multiplying those values with 1e-6 to convert to milliseconds gives the resulting parameters. The Stationary Prob. Column of Table 3 is found in the ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/cont/stationaryDistr.txt file.

Simulation with independence assumption

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Ind
user@host:~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Ind$Rscript DMPEstCBSInd.R

This estimates the DMP with an independence assumption, by randomly reordering the data in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/traces_reports_csv/control_time.csv before entering it into a CBS simulation. The result is output in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/ind/result.csv.

Simulation with continuous model

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Sim-Cont
user@host:~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Sim-Cont$Rscript DMPSimContMM.R

This estimates the DMP from the fitted HMM by generating execution times that are entered into a CBS simulation. The resulting files are saved to ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/sim_cont.

Simulation with merged continuous model

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Sim-Cont
user@host:~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Sim-Cont$Rscript DMPSimContMM_merged.R

This simulation is used to obtain the starting beta values for the merged model below.

Evaluating the DMP bound with the 8-state model

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Bound

This runs the accumulation process for the DMP bound, using the fitted model in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/cont/ The resulting files are saved to ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/dmp_bound/pzwl_dmp_control_bound_XXXX.csv. Computation times for bounds are saved to ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/pzwl_dmp_control_5time.csv and ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/pzwl_dmp_control_10time.csv.

Evaluating the DMP bound with the merged 2-state model

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/Bound

This runs the accumulation process for the DMP bound, using a merged 2-state model in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/cont/ The resulting files are saved to ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/dmp_bound/pzwl_dmp_control_merged_bound_XXXX.csv. Computation times for bounds are saved to ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/pzwl_dmp_control_merged_5time.csv and ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/pzwl_dmp_control_merged_10time.csv.


user@host:~$cp ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/PROSIT/Makefile prositool
user@host:~$cd prositool
user@host~/prositool$cd ~
user@host:~$cp prositool/cli_solver ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/PROSIT/
user@host:~$cd ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/PROSIT/
user@host:~/cd ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/eval/PROSIT$./

Runs the CLI solver from PROSITool with the model in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/models/discr. The results are saved to ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/prosit/.

Generating fig 19

user@host:~$cd ~/ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/fig

Fig. 19 is reproduced in eval_fig.png (and .eps) from files in ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data.

Table 4 contains times stored when calculating the bounds. The first table row is taken from the last rows of ContMM_RT_BoundDMP/data/pzwl_dmp_control_merged_5time.csv. The second table row is taken from the last rows of pzwl_dmp_control_merged_10time.csv, the third from pzwl_dmp_control_5time.csv and the last row from pzwl_dmp_control_10time.csv.

How to run the Furuta pendulum control tests on a Raspberry pi


The evaluation has been performed on a Raspberry Pi Model 3B+, with a kernel patched with PREEMPT_RT fetched from The used kernel is the 32-bit kernel 5.15.65-rt49-v7l+

Clone the repository. Build the programs in test_program/controller and test_program/simulator

Running the test program

Traces are obtained by running test_program/

Tests are run with the various test_program/ files.