- GraphQL
- Apollo Client
- Mongo DB for storing user information
- Express.js
- React.js
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Web Speech API for voice-to-text search
- Loader API for transition effects
- AWS S3 buckets for MP3 and image files storage
- Creation of a working Queue.
- Continuous play of music when navigating pages.
- Utilizing Voice to Text API.
Based off Spotify, Study-fi is an app that is targeted towards students and/or professionals aiming to improve their focus and productivity. With a library filled with lo-fi music, user will be allowed to:
- Listen to music continuously while browsing through the application.
- Play music instantly.
- Like/Unlike songs.
- Create/Delete playlists.
- Search for songs, artists, and albums.
- View the Queue songs.
- Add to Queue(bonus).
- Upon visiting Study-fi, users are welcomed with a spash page.
- Users can Sign Up/Log In.
- Users can click Learn more to read more about the application.
- After successfully signing up or logging in, users are then taken to the home page, where they have access to the full library.
- Users can go to the search page, their library of liked songs, create a playlist, and view their playlists.
- On the search page, users are able to search for Songs, Artists and Albums.
My Favorite feature I had to implement was creating a playlist.
After clicking on "Create Playlist", users are prompted a modal where they can begin creating the playlist name.
- Users then are prompted with another screen to begin searching our library.
- Users also have the chance to skip this step.
- Users can search for songs and albums to add to their playlist.
- Users can visit any of their created playlists anytime.