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File metadata and controls

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There is a number of things which we can amend and change after then have been commited in Git.

Discarding changes

Maybe we made our change just to see how something looks, or, for code, to quickly try something out. But we may be unhappy with our changes. If so, we can just throw them away and return our file to the most recent version we committed to the repository by using:

$ git checkout -- journal.txt

and we can see that our file has reverted to being the most up-to-date one in the repository:

$ git status journal.txt

Amending commits

If you just made a commit and realised that either you did it a bit too early and the files are not yet ready to be commited. Or, which is not as uncommon as you think, your commit message is not as it is supposed to be. You can fix that using the command:

$ git commit --amend

This opens up the default editor for Git which includes the previous commit message - you can edit it and close the editor. This will simply fix the commit message.

But what if we forgot to include some files in the commit?

Let's try it on our example. First, let's modify two files: our paper file and the references file. We should get something like this:

$ git status
$ On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
 (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
 (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified:   journal.tex
modified:   common/references.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Let's then add and commit journal.tex but not the references file.

$ git add journal.tex
$ git commit -m "Adiing paper but not the references"

Let's have a look what's up with our working directory now:

$ On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified:   references/references.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Also, run git log to see what is the latest commit message and ID.

Now, we want to fix our commit and add the references file.

$ git add common/references.txt
$ git commit --amend

This will again bring up the editor but let's just leave the message as it is becuase in fact we wante only to add the file.

Now when we run git status and then git log we can see that our Working Directory is clean and that both files were added. At the same time, the commit message stayed the same and in fact we haven't created a new commit.


What to do if you actually want to completely abandon the commit, not just amend it? If you're working locally, you can use the git reset command.

Let's try it on our example. Modify the journal and then make a commit. We now realise that what we've just done in our journal file makes no sense and decide to abandon the commit completely.

We can do that by running:

$ git reset --hard HEAD^

This moves us back to the previous commit. If we look in-depth, this command moves back 2 pointers: the HEAD and the pointer to the tip of the branch we currently are working on. (HEAD^" = "the commit right before HEAD; "HEAD^^" = "two commits before HEAD")

The final effect is what we need: we abandoned the commit and we are now back to the commit point of the previous commit.

This article discusses more in depth git reset showing the differences between the three options:

  • --soft
  • --mixed
  • --hard

There is however one important thing to remember about the reset command - it should only be used with branches that have not been shared yet (that is they haven't been pushed into a remote repository that others are using). Resetting is changing the history "without" leaving trace. This is always a bad practice and can lead to a massive mess.

So what can we do if we want to abandon changes in branches that are shared with others? We need to use the revert command.


git revert has a similar effect like reset but what happens "behind the scenes" is very different.

Let's try that on our example.

$ git revert HEAD^

When we revert, a new commit is created. The HEAD pointer and the branch pointer are in fact moved forward rather than backwards.

We can revert to any previous commit. That is, we can "abandon" any of the previous changes. However, depending on the changes we made, we may bump into a conflict (which we will cover in more detail further on).

error: could not revert 7ce7a22... Tim as author
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'

Behind the scenes Git gets confused trying to merge the commit HEAD is pointing to to the past commit we're reverting to.

Reverting thus records the fact of "abandoning the commits" in the history. When we revert in a branch that is shared with others and the push that branch into the remote repository, it is as if we "came clean" about what we were doing. Everyone who pulls the branch in which we reverted changes will see it. With reset we "keep it secret" that we

The online tutorial Visualizing Git Concepts with D3 shows you in a few simple steps the difference between revert and reset.

Previous: Branching Next: Rebasing