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Example: Quickstart


  • Wayfinder will start up with an initial local administrator user (not configured to use an IDP).
  • Terraform is not configured to use S3 as a backend, and so state will be written locally.
  • Any sensitive values (e.g. licence key) are passed directly as a variable to the module.

This example should be used for product testing and evaluation only. For a more production-ready deployment, please see the complete example.


  1. Create a DNS Zone in AWS Route53 and ensure the domain is delegated to the AWS nameservers.
  2. Copy the terraform.tfvars.example file to terraform.tfvars and update with your values.
  3. Run terraform init -upgrade
  4. Run terraform apply

Updating Docs

The terraform-docs utility is used to generate this README. Follow the below steps to update:

  1. Make changes to the .terraform-docs.yml file
  2. Fetch the terraform-docs binary (
  3. Run terraform-docs markdown table --output-file ${PWD}/ --output-mode inject .


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0


Name Description Type Default Required
clusterissuer_email The email address to use for the cert-manager cluster issuer. string n/a yes
dns_zone_name The local DNS zone to use (e.g. string n/a yes
wayfinder_instance_id The instance ID to use for Wayfinder. string n/a yes
wayfinder_licence_key The licence key to use for Wayfinder. string n/a yes
access_entries Map of access entries to add to the cluster.
kubernetes_groups = optional(list(string))
principal_arn = string
policy_associations = optional(map(object({
policy_arn = string
access_scope = object({
namespaces = optional(list(string))
type = string
{} no
availability_zones List of availability zones to deploy into. list(string)
disable_internet_access Whether to disable internet access for EKS and the Wayfinder ingress controller. bool false no
environment The environment name we are provisioning. string "production" no
tags Tags to apply to all resources. map(any) {} no
vpc_cidr CIDR block for the Wayfinder VPC. string "" no
vpc_private_subnets List of private subnets in the Wayfinder VPC. list(string)
vpc_public_subnets List of public subnets in the Wayfinder VPC. list(string)


Name Description
cluster_name The name of the Wayfinder EKS cluster
wayfinder_admin_password The password for the Wayfinder local admin user
wayfinder_admin_username The username for the Wayfinder local admin user
wayfinder_api_url The URL for the Wayfinder API
wayfinder_ui_url The URL for the Wayfinder UI