Need to convert string features into numerical features
Different methods:
- Bag of words
- Word2Vec
It is basic model used in natural language processing. It's called bag of words because the position of the word doesn't count.
It only tells whether the word is present in the document or not
Basically convert word into vector
There are different approaches:
- Unigram ==> Consider only one word at a time
- Bigram ==> Using two words at a time. Ex: There used, Used to, to be, be Stone, Stone age
- Trigram ==> Using three words at a time. Ex: there used to, used to be ,to be Stone
- Ngram(using n words at a time)
Limitation: the length of the vector equals the length of the entire vocabulary so it can explode.
Use CountVectorizer
from sklearn
for BoW (here we take into account bigram and remove stopwords)
doc1 = 'Game of Thrones is an amazing tv series!'
doc2 = 'Game of Thrones is the best tv series!'
doc3 = 'Game of Thrones is so great'
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english',ngram_range=(2,2))
X = vectorizer.fit_transform([doc1,doc2,doc3])
df_bow_sklearn = pd.DataFrame(X.toarray(),columns=vectorizer.get_feature_names())
TF-IDF is basically the same than BoW except that it computes a score importance rather than frequency of a word.
Attempt to give higher relevance scores to words that occur in fewer documents within the corpus. To that end, TF-IDF measures the frequency of a word in a text against its overall frequency in the corpus.
Think of a document that mentions the word “oranges” with high frequency. TF-IDF will look at all the other documents in the corpus. If “oranges” occurs in many documents, then it is not a very significant term and is given a lower weighting in the TF-IDF text vector. If it occurs in just a few documents, however, it is considered a distinctive term. In that case, it helps characterize the document within the corpus and as such receives a higher value in the vector.
TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency which basically tells the importance of the word in the corpus or dataset.
TF-IDF contains two concepts: Term Frequency(TF) and Inverse Document Frequency(IDF)
Limitation: it does not address the fact that, in short documents, even just a single mention of a word might mean that the term is highly relevant.
Solution: BM25 ==> improvement of TF-IDF because it takes into account the length of the document.
How frequently the word appears in the document or corpus.
Term frequency can be defined as: TF = Nb of time word appears in the document / Nb of words in the document
Finding out importance of the word
It is based on the fact that less frequent words are more informative and important
Inverse Document Frequency can be defined as: *IDF = Nb of documents / Nb of documents in which the word appears
TF-IDF is basically a multiplication between TF table and IDF table
It reduces values of common word that are used in different document
We can apply log to formula to reduce the value of frequency count
BoW and TF-IDF codes are similar
Count_vec = CountVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize, ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=2, stop_words=stopwords) #Bag Of Words
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize, ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=2, stop_words=stopwords) #TF IDF
#Transform list of documents in a sklearn matrix to make predictions
BoW_matrix = Count_vec.fit_transform(X)
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(X)
# We can add the different information (POS tag, etc) in these matrices to improve modelization
#Split train-test sets
X_BoW_train, X_BoW_test, Y_BoW_train, Y_BoW_test = train_test_split(BoW_matrix, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state = 42)
X_TFIDF_train, X_TFIDF_test, Y_TFIDF_train, Y_TFIDF_test = train_test_split(tfidf_matrix, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state = 42)
- tokenizer ==> represents the tokenization function that we previously created. We only need to give raw text/words as input of the Vectorizer
- ngram_range ==> if we want unigram, bigram etc
- min_df : filters on words that appear at least twice in the text. We can also use
for too frequent words - stop_words ==> we can custom list of stop_words
Deep learning technique with two-layer neural network
Google Word2vec takes input from large data and convert into vector space.
It's a predictive embedding model.
Word2vec basically place the word in the feature space is such as their location is determined by their meaning i.e. words having similar meaning are clustered together and the distance between two words also have same meaning.
There are two main implementations of Word2Vec:
- CBOW ==> Continuous BoW: the distributed representations of context (or surrounding words) are combined to predict the word in the middle. Faster
- Skip-gram ==> the distributed representation of the input word is used to predict the context. Better job for unfrequent words.
So the difference is in CBOW, we use surrounding words (..,wt-1, wt+1,..) to predict wt VS skip-gram, we use wt the predict surrounding words (..,wt-1, wt+1,..)
Distance in the high-dimensional space of Word2vec is measured by cosine similarity: the cosine of the angle between two vectors
- The idea is very intuitive, which transforms the unlabled raw corpus into labeled data (by mapping the target word to its context word), and learns the representation of words in a classification task.
- The data can be fed into the model in an online way and needs little preprocessing, thus requires little memory.
- Impossible to encode the meaning of longer passages/sentences
- Assume a sub-linear relationship into the vector space of words
BERT for “Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers”, created to overcome the limitations of Word2Vec
BERT is able to produce contextualized word vectors by encoding a word’s position in the text in addition to the word itself.
BERT’s success is based on its Transformer architecture, as well as the vast amounts of data that it uses to learn. During training, BERT “reads” the entire English-language Wikipedia and the BooksCorpus, a large collection of unpublished novels.
How it works:
- Transformers structure ==> Every output element is connected to every input element, and the weightings between them are dynamically calculated based upon their connection. (In NLP, this process is called attention.). Transformers don't need to process data with an order (VS RNN and CNN that require sequences of data)
- Unlike LSTM, Transformers don't imply any RNN, they only need attention.
- VS previous methods, BERT can read in both directions at once ==> that's why bidirectional
- Pre-trained on two different taks: Masked Language Modeling (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction (NSP).
- Quickly, MLM ==> hide a word in a sentence and then have the program predict what word has been hidden (masked) based on the hidden word's context.
- NSP ==> have the program predict whether two given sentences have a logical, sequential connection or whether their relationship is simply random.
Attention is structural for transformers ==> context
- The attention-mechanism looks at an input sequence and decides at each step which other parts of the sequence are important
- Ex: When reading a text, it focuses on the word it reads while thinking about the other important words that it read to provide context
- It's very powerful for Seq2Seq models because it helps the communication between the Encoder and the Decoder by giving the Decoder a context
- Ex: for translation, the Encoder will give the regular translation (in English in the previous ex) but with important keywords that will help the Decoder to translate knowing the context. The Decoder will know which parts of the sentence are impotant and which key terms give the sentence context
- Concretely, Attention is a vector that gives at each step of the decoding process direct connection to specific parts of the encoder. After a softmax function, the Attention can weight by importance the different parts of the input.
- Before Attention, translation was made by reading the whole text and then translate ==> information loss
- Sequence-to-Sequence (or Seq2Seq) is a neural net that transforms a given sequence of elements, such as the sequence of words in a sentence, into another sequence. Good at translation, especially using a LSTM because it's sequence-dependent data.
- LSTM can give the meaning to the sequence while remembering what it's important. So, LSTM is a Seq2Seq model.
- Seq2seq models consis of an Encoder and Decoder.
- Encoder takes the input sequence and maps it into a higher dimension space (n-dimension vector)
- Decoder takes this abstract vector as an input and turns it into an output sequence
- Encoder and Decoder can communicate like a common language. Ex: 1 French and 1 German speak each other in English
- Training: the input for the decoder is shifted so that the model doesn't learn how to copy but to predict the next word, knowing the encoder sequence and a particular decoder sequence
- Hence, a Seq2Seq model can be reinforced by Attention ==> it will translate the first paragraph, then the second etc, instead of readince all at once
Advanced RRN because persistence of information
- Tackle the vanishing gradient and exploding gradient problems
- Structure: 3 gates ==> Forget gate, Input gate and Output gate. Forget: select whether the info coming from the previous step is to be remembered or to be forgotten. Input: learn new information from the input. Output: pass the updated information from the current to the next step
- Just like simple RRN, LSTM has hidden state and cell state. Hidden state is the Short term memory and cell state the Long term memory ==> hence the name Long-Short term memory
Different methods:
- Extractive approach ==> extract sentences from the text based on a scoring function to form a coherent summary. Easy and grammatically good
- Abstractive approach ==> generate a new text. Need to understand the text first. More difficult. You can use Seq2Seq with Attention to better understand the meaning. Limitations: Repetition