The Web Feature Services (WFS) interface is provided by Geoserver, and the GetCapabilities URL can be found at the following URL:
This outputs data in the following coordinate systems:
- EPSG:27700 (British National Grid)
- EPSG:4326 (Global Latitude/Longitude)
- EPSG:900913 (Spherical Mercator)
The available output formats are listed in the GetCapabilities response.
An example request, to download the mons_point layer in excel format would be as follows:
The following layers are available:
- cellars: point data of Lancaster Buildings showing presence or absence of cellars
- studyarea: study area boundary of Lancaster Urban Archaeological Database project
- listed_polys: polygon boundaries of listed buildings
- event_points: point dataset representing historic or archaeological events
- event_polys: polygon dataset representing the outline of events such as archaeological digs
- mons_point: point dataset representing historic or archaeological monuments
- monspres_polys: polygon dataset representing definite monument outlines, eg extant or exposed by archaeological events
- monsint_polys: proposed outlines of monuments based on information from archaeological research, events and other information
- geophys: contour lines from geophysical survey