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295 lines (195 loc) · 8.99 KB

File metadata and controls

295 lines (195 loc) · 8.99 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.1.1 (2024-10-30)


  • contracts: updated CosmWasm Docker Optimizer image (#319).

2.1.0 (2024-03-04)


  • the CLI will now only support the Archway protocol version >=6.0.0 (#288)
  • bumped the minimum supported Node.js version to v18 as v16 LTS ended (#294)


  • contracts: added a flag in the metadata sub-command to withdraw rewards directly to the wallet (#316)


  • core: fixed the version check hook storing the current version on cache (#286)
  • core: fixed installation on WSL that failed due to invalid build scripts in the keyring-go package (#294)
  • core: bumped keyring-go package to fix edge case when installing the CLI in WSL2 (#311)


  • config: updated the chain file for constantine-3 (#309)

2.0.2 (2023-12-02)


  • config: fixed an issue that impeded the user to differentiate chains by the name (mainnet and testnet).

2.0.1 (2023-11-06)


  • instantiate: fixed a circular dependency error and removed an unnecessary cargo workspace check.

2.0.0 (2023-10-27)


  • config: the following sub-commands under config were removed: chain-id, contracts-path, default-account, keyring-backend, keyring-path


  • accounts: command to export the private key (#266)
  • config: commands to get/set generic config values (#271)
  • plugins: added plugin for bash/zsh completion (#272)


  • accounts: allow querying balances for any valid address (#248)
  • accounts: don't break when deleting an account with invalid format (#256)
  • contracts: added missing types for CosmWasm schema validation (#252)
  • core: gracefully stop running processes on Ctrl+C (#260)
  • core: fixed the rust optimizer build cache volume (#260)


  • plugins: improved the help command output (#253)
  • contracts: standardized the sub-commands flags (#261 and #262)
  • config: validate chain using JSON schema (#271)

2.0.0-beta.1 (2023-09-20)


  • core: renamed the flag --force to --no-confirm in the sub-commands:
    • accounts: remove
    • contracts: premium and store


  • contracts: flag to skip validation on contracts sub-commands (#233)
  • config: new command to list available chains (#240)
  • core: added usage example in several commands (#227)


  • contracts: running the build command without a contract name will now build the entire workspace (#237)
  • contracts: building a contract with the --json flag will suppress all output (#237)
  • core: renamed the flag --force to --no-confirm in several commands (#226)
  • core: fixed processing order for stdin pipes (#227)

2.0.0-alpha.2 (2023-09-15)


  • config: Changed the config file path. To migrate from v2.0.0-alpha.1 to v2.0.0-alpha.2, users will have to rename the config folder from ./.archway-cli to ./.archway and move the config file from archway-cli.json to .archway/config.json.
  • accounts: any accounts created using version 2.0.0-alpha.1 must be recovered from the mnemonic using the command archway accounts new --recover {name}.


  • config: management of global config files in ~/.config/archway (#221)
  • accounts: store the private key on the keyring (#218)


  • contracts: validate the schema of Rust's numeric types (#214)
  • contracts: load templates for new projects from the main branch (#217)
  • config: remove the -cli suffix from the config path (#215)
  • core: add other aliases for version flag (#229)
  • core: update all description texts (#232)

Code Refactoring

  • accounts: update the keyring storage workflow (#235)

2.0.0-alpha.1 (2023-08-29)


  • This version of the CLI is a complete rewrite of whole codebase and is not compatible with previous versions. To migrate from v1.* to v2.*, users will have to import their keys using the available commands in archway accounts, and generate a new config file at the root of the project using config init.


  • contracts: commands for all stages of contract development and deployment (c931552, 47c0b29, 39e81c3, c432704, 54b4486, bb1fda2, 6ac75b3, 364154f, 4efcd0f, 3a19192)
  • rewards: new command to query and withdraw rewards (0e6c993 and 82b0ae3)
  • config: added new sub-commands to manage your project config (6bb3000, 59245c3)
  • config: support for importing and exporting chain specs (3b1ed5a)
  • cli: added the help command (#207)


  • new: defaults to a workspace project template and changed flags (3aaa062)
  • accounts: manages encrypted keys and transfers (82d4ae7, 5346235, 1d116d1, 7879cbe)

1.6.2 (2023-08-25)


  • archwayd: fix semantic version check for new releases (#205)


  • deps: bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 (#204)

1.6.1 (2023-07-05)


  • archwayd: cleanup gas simulation to execute tx (#203)

1.6.0 (2023-07-03)


  • archwayd: Dropped support for the Docker version of archwayd. To migrate from Docker-based environments, users will have to install archwayd from the official binary releases in the protocol repository, and also export/import their keys using the available commands in archwayd keys.


  • networks: add mainnet (#202)
  • networks: add constantine-3 (#177)
  • premium: add command to set flat fee (#200)


  • store: saves the deployed wasm checksum in config (#183)
  • instantiate: save the deployed label (#182)
  • archwayd: deprecated archwayd on Docker (#190)


  • archwayd: don't freeze the shell (#184)
  • archwayd: validate the minimum client version (#180)
  • archwayd: validate errors printed to stderr (#194)
  • build: throw exception instead of hardcoded text (#176)
  • cli: check for newer versions using semver (#185)
  • networks: renamed local network to localnet (#188)
  • cargo: resolve the WASM file name on arm64 (#196)
  • tx: execute contracts with premium enabled (#201)

1.5.1 (2023-04-03)


  • networks: update chain id and RPC endpoint for constantine-2 (#171)

1.5.0 (2023-03-15)


  • query: added flag to print raw json to stdout (#164)


  • accounts: the command output will default to text mode for better readability (#167)
  • build: bump rust-optimizer to 0.12.12 (#162)


  • cli: fixed an output error when running commands that require waiting for a tx result (#163)
  • cli: fixed issue when fetching the last contract address deployed (#165)
  • instantiate: fixed error when the codeId is not found in the deployments state (#166)

1.4.1 (2023-02-28)


  • build: fixed error when running the CosmWasm Optimizer image on M1 Macbooks (#161)

1.4.0 (2023-02-21)


  • networks: removed torii from the networks list (#153)


  • networks: change the default gas adjustment parameter to 1.5 instead of 1.2 (#153)
  • build: updated the CosmWasm Optimizer image to 0.12.11 (#155)
  • build: enable rust backtrace in optimizer (#156)
  • archwayd: use the archwaynetwork/archwayd:v0.2.0 tag by default (#159)
  • archwayd: connect the container to the host network to allow interaction with a node running on the host machine (#159)


  • build: fixed error when the CosmWasm Optimizer image didn't exist in the local environment (#155)
  • build: fixed error when a build container is already running in the background (#157)
  • store: fixed error when validating the stored wasm file on-chain (#158)

1.3.0 (2023-01-20)


  • cli: deprecate support for nodejs 14 (#130)
  • cli: deprecate the run command (#125)
  • cli: deprecate the test command (#132)
  • cli: renamed the configure command to config (#131)
  • build: Docker is now a hard requirement (#128)


  • archwayd: use the minimum gas fee in all transactions (#120)
  • history: list deployments for current chain (#126)
  • cargo: parse metadata for workspaces (#127)
  • config: initialize config files in existing projects (#131)
  • network: enable local network (726c452)


  • archwayd: set metadata using the new rewards module (#121)
  • config: store project name in deployment history (#137)
  • build: use the rust-optimizer Docker image instead of wasm-opt (#128)


  • cargo: check current path to fetch metadata (#124)
  • cli: fail fast when transactions do not succeed (#122)
  • metadata: typo in --rewards-address flag (#123)


  • deps: bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 (#133)