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Jdbc Performance Local Mysql

Arnaud Roger edited this page Apr 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

See orm-benchmarks for benchmark sources and results.

Ran with 1.7.6 the 30th of March 2015, Java 8, Local Mysql. Roma was run but mapping was wrong so I had to discard the results.

Local Mysql

Average time ns/op to execute, fetch and map to object the result of a query with 1, 10, 100 and 1000 rows. The lower the better.

Type/NbRows 1 10 100 1000
PureJdbc 235865.22 270073.10 566844.68 2362211.90
JdbcMapperStatic 237821.67 270046.46 560430.78 2375931.89
JdbcMapperStaticForEach 236519.39 272900.89 565193.29 2373860.26
JdbcMapperDynamicForEach 239296.15 280124.27 560187.30 2379112.69
JdbcMapperDynamic 237794.79 290841.49 587082.67 2507939.15
JdbcMapperStaticForEachNoAsm 238622.65 290913.14 591207.38 2558114.02
JdbcMapperStaticNoAsm 238130.35 289894.12 592986.85 2537612.83
JdbcMapperDynamicForEachNoAsm 241696.66 298556.96 596273.83 2545346.59
JdbcMapperDynamicNoAsm 241571.10 302972.25 609724.06 2679099.20
Sql2O.sfm 249472.55 307812.19 587467.48 2422990.89
Roma 245690.31 314768.93 579166.74 2455894.46
Sql2O 256441.01 328934.87 688844.17 2863268.89
Jooq.testSqlSfmMapperOnResultSet 335159.47 360884.65 698665.68 2632358.11
Jooq.testFetchRecord 337003.90 382532.17 776508.21 3289535.93
Jooq.testSqlSfmAsProviderMapper 339565.69 386527.91 780913.85 3385726.50
HibernateStatefull 308089.27 370812.06 932155.17 4629836.61
Jooq.testSqlWithJooqMapper 343750.43 399741.56 877266.92 3942953.25
MyBatis 404597.68 487135.20 945718.60 5133802.84
BeanPropertyRowMapper 288579.76 439059.94 1812446.38 13460422.89

% Difference from PureJdbc Average Time, the lower the better HsqlDb Average time difference to PureJdbc

% Difference from PureJdbc Average Time Top 5, the lower the better HsqlDb Average time difference to PureJdbc Top5

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