- Welcome / Roll call
- David Chassin
- Allen Le
- Frank Tuffner
- Action Items Update
- (All) Send github IDs to add to organization members
- (Chassin) Transfer code from
- (Chassin) Add work progress to meeting agenda
- (Le) Seek new members from California IOUs/POUs
- Work progress update
- HiPAS GridLAB-D 4.3.1 status
- Dave: Progress on transfer ongoing, hope to have it done by end of May
- Open pull requests
- Dave: List reduced significantly
- Current issues
- Dave: Frank has one NR issues that needs attention
- HiPAS GridLAB-D 4.3.1 status
- New topics
- Dockerhub automation for build of images: do we use dockerhub automation (cost) or GitHub actions?
- Frank: This is good question for John Mertic, especially if LFE does not have a dockerhub account
- Machine learning solvers
- Allen: ML was not ready for production in HiPAS. Sensitive to topology changes, fix not suitable for general use. This will be as addressed later as part of Arras development.
- Licensing issues
- Dave: all the repo licenses for HiPAS have been changed to BSD-3. A note about US Gov right as also added to the README (https://github.com/slacgismo/gridlabd/tree/develop#us-government-rights).
- Dockerhub automation for build of images: do we use dockerhub automation (cost) or GitHub actions?
- Approval of minutes
- Moved and seconded. Approved.
- Action items
- (Chassin) Transfer code from
- (Le) Seek new members from California IOUs/POUs
- (Chassin) Transfer code from
- Adjourn
- Without objection.