Welcome / Roll call of voting members
- David Chassin (SLAC)
- Frank Tuffner (PNNL)
- Pedram Jahangiri (Amazon)
- Anthony James (SCE)
- Allen Le (CEC)
- Joseph Chongfuangprinya (Hitachi)
Emeritus Members
- David Pinney (NRECA)
- Qing Tian (CEC)
A quorum is present (50%+1)
- Yes
- No
Action Items Update
- (Le) Seek new members from California IOUs/POUs
- (Dave) Talk to Matthew Tisdale about contacts in Hawaii and elsewhere.
- (Dave) Get input from John on technical support strategy from LF Energy
- (Le) IEPR information regarding emerging regulatory analysis requirements to reduce workload/time on interconnection queue
- (Tuffner) Outreach to other DOE offices/programs/labs for Arras as a vehicle for delivery
- (Dave) Draft technical support model for users vs. bug fixing (assigned to Dave)
- (Pedram) New project proposal to introduce conversational AI based on Pedram's test.
- (Dave) Add new project to deal with port forwarding/cyber security for utilities with restrictions on URL/ports.
- (Dave) Send TAC meeting slides to TSC for review. See https://github.com/slacgismo/hipas-gridlabd.
Work progress update
- Source code status
- 4.3.3 in progress (see https://github.com/arras-energy/gridlabd/pull/1306)
- New repo module_template to build external modules.
- Research input
- Frank: no update on DOE version, maybe some new projects coming on Energy Equity and Environmental Justice
- Anthony: SCE working with PNNL on EE/EJ metrics as part of multi-objective planning (w/resilience, etc.)
- Open pull requests
- Current issues
- No blockers, 84 pending open (5 new, 4 resolved)
- CI/CD process
- No update
- TAC Meeting Presentation 7/25/23
- Dave: done
- Liaison to CEC IEPR group
- Allen: no update
- Website
- Dave: first version published at https://www.arras.energy/
- Source code status
New topics
- TSC Task List
- Anthony: planning challenges identified by SCE.
Approval of minutes
- Moved, second, and approved
New action items
- Frank/Anthony: create placeholder new project to incorporate EE/EJ metrics in Arras
- Anthony: present planning challenges identified by SCE at next TSC meeting.
- Dave: report on all open Mac M2 portability issues know to SLAC
- Moved and seconded