Welcome / Roll call of voting members
- David Chassin (SLAC)
- Frank Tuffner (PNNL)
- Pedram Jahangiri (Amazon)
- Anthony James (SCE)
- Allen Le (CEC)
- Joseph Chongfuangprinya (Hitachi)
Emeritus Members
- David Pinney (NRECA)
- Qing Tian (CEC)
A quorum is present (50%+1)
- Yes
- No - Status update only
GridLAB-D status
- Issues
- 59 open issues, up from 57 last month
- 1 open issue for next release
- Pull requests
- 2 open PRs (including next release)
- Press
- EurekAlert! (Dec 18)
- SLAC Communications (Dec 18)
- Issues
New topics
- Election of 2024 chair
- Marimo tools
Approval of minutes
- Moved, seconded, and approved
New action items
- Moved and seconded, without objection