Welcome / Roll call of voting members
- David Chassin (SLAC)
- Frank Tuffner (PNNL)
- Pedram Jahangiri (Amazon)
- Anthony James (SCE)
- Allen Le (CEC)
- Joseph Chongfuangprinya (Hitachi)
Non-voting attendees
- Bo Yang (Hitachi)
Emeritus Members
- David Pinney (NRECA)
- Qing Tian (CEC)
A quorum is present (50%+1)
- Yes
- No - Status update only
- GLOW Coordination (Bo)
- No updates
- Model Converter support development strategy (Bo/Joseph)
- Will need to schedule a future meeting
- Hitachi has access to CYME and can be used for testing
- GLOW Coordination (Bo)
GridLAB-D status
- Issues
- 59 open issues, up from 56 last month
- Pull requests
- 1 open PRs (next release 4.3.10?)
- Current Release 4.3.9 includes fixes to pypower solver, add weather data to pypower module, add geodata support to pypower module, pole model fixes, update for Darwin 23 support, add human behavior module (04/18/2024)
- DOE REGROW project is studying advanced optimization techniques using new statistical models of extreme events.
- Press/Outreach
- Workshop will discuss the latest updates to the simulation tool, review some of the recent projects in which these capabilities have been employed, and present some of the results from these studies. Attendees will learn how to use Arras Energy and integrate it in their workflows through a variety of studies, starting with a simple local load modeling problems and a tariff design studies, through intermediate resilience analyses, up to geographically complex studies on large interconnections.(09/05/2024)
- Active Work
- Marimo tools development(on hold since February)
- If interested in Pedram's Gridchat project, contact Pedram for inputs and testing (currently internal for the group)
- Pedram can create user ID and password for new users
- Issues
New topics
- Early stage using generative AI for users within GridLAB-D wikipedia (Hitachi)
- Currently can answer basic questions but struggles with more complex questions
- End goal for this application is for GLOW
- API to pull object code to build/edit GLM code? Possibly a checker API. Could be a security issue and/or backfire
- Possible and good idea, but no staff has started working
Approval of minutes
- Moved, seconded, and approved
New action items
- Ask Duncan about arrest API (Dave)
- Moved and seconded, without objection