Welcome / Roll call of voting members
- David Chassin (SLAC)
- Frank Tuffner (PNNL)
- Pedram Jahangiri (Amazon)
- Anthony James (SCE)
- Allen Le (CEC)
- Joseph Chongfuangprinya (Hitachi)
Non-voting attendees
- Bo Yang (Hitachi)
Emeritus Members
- David Pinney (NRECA)
- Qing Tian (CEC)
A quorum is present (50%+1)
- Yes
- No - Status update only
Updates/New discussion
- AWS funding request denied, per email from Pedram
- LF Energy costs are too high
- chatbot cost ~$800 --> shutdown until funding/lower cost option found
is not authorized by DOE for LF Energy --> transfer to Dave's account until name fixes are done
- Annual report done
- Need to build a community
- Brussels talk approved for Sep 6
- GLOW Coordination (Bo)
- Contract negatiations under way for DOE to make a more complete version COM-ED (Chicago)
- May need support in the future
- API to build/edit/check GLM code added to PR #197
Approval of minutes
- Notes only - no quorum
New action items (carried over from July meeting)
- Approving "Incubation" Stage:
- Achieved and maintained an OpenSSF Best Practices Badge at the 'Passing' level
- Have a defined project mission and scope
- The project's functional architecture is built out in the LF Energy ArchiMate tool
- An overview of the project's architecture and features defined
- The project roadmap defined, which should address the following question
- What does the next year look like in terms of additional features and use cases covered?
- Community and contributor growth assessment
- A credible plan for developing a thriving user community, in particular explanding the number of committers and contributors?
- An outline of the plan for the project to complete the requirements for the Early Adoption stage
- Receive the affirmative majority vote of the TAC
- None - no quoru