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MNIST Pipelines GCP

This example does not currently work properly. It will be updated or replaced soon. For more information, see kubeflow/website #1611 and kubeflow/pipelines #3037.

This document describes how to run the MNIST example on Kubeflow Pipelines on a Google Cloud Platform and on premise cluster.



Create a GCS bucket

This pipeline requires a Google Cloud Storage bucket to hold your trained model. You can create one with the following command

BUCKET_NAME=kubeflow-pipeline-demo-$(date +%s)
gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_NAME/

Deploy Kubeflow

Follow the Getting Started Guide to deploy a Kubeflow cluster to GKE

Open the Kubeflow Pipelines UI

Kubeflow UI

IAP enabled

If you set up your cluster with IAP enabled as described in the GKE Getting Started guide, you can now access the Kubeflow Pipelines UI at https://<deployment_name>.endpoints.<project>

IAP disabled

If you opted to skip IAP, you can open a connection to the UI using kubectl port-forward and browsing to http://localhost:8085/pipeline

kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow $(kubectl get pods -n kubeflow --selector=service=ambassador \
    -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8085:80

On Premise Cluster

For on premise cluster, beside of Kubeflow deployment, you need to create a Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims(PVC) to store trained result. Note that the accessModes of the PVC should be ReadWriteMany so that the PVC can be mounted by containers of multiple steps in parallel.

Install Python Dependencies

Set up a virtual environment for your Kubeflow Pipelines work:

python3 -m venv $(pwd)/venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Install the Kubeflow Pipelines sdk, along with other Python dependencies in the requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

Running the Pipeline

Compile Pipeline

Pipelines are written in Python, but they must be compiled into a domain-specific language (DSL) before they can be used.

For on premise cluster, update the platform to onprem in

sed -i.sedbak s"/platform = 'GCP'/platform = 'onprem'/"

Most pipelines are designed so that simply running the script will preform the compilation steps:


Running this command should produce a compiled ** file:

Additionally, you can compile manually using the dsl-compile script

python venv/bin/dsl-compile --py --output

Upload through the UI

Now that you have the compiled pipelines file, you can upload it through the Kubeflow Pipelines UI. Simply select the "Upload pipeline" button

Upload Button

Upload your file and give it a name

Upload Form

Run the Pipeline

After clicking on the newly created pipeline, you should be presented with an overview of the pipeline graph. When you're ready, select the "Create Run" button to launch the pipeline


Fill out the information required for the run, and press "Start" when you are ready.

  • GCP: Fill out the GCP $BUCKET_ID you created earlier, and ignore the option pvc_name.
  • On premise cluster: Fill out the pvc_name as name of the PVC you created earlier, and the PVC is mounted to '/mnt', so the model-export-dir can be /mnt/export.

Run Form

After clicking on the newly created Run, you should see the pipeline run through the 'train', 'serve', and 'web-ui' components. Click on any component to see its logs. When the pipeline is complete, look at the logs for the web-ui component to find the IP address created for the MNIST web interface


Pipeline Breakdown

Now that we've run a pipeline, lets break down how it works


    description='A pipeline to train and serve the MNIST example.'

Pipelines are expected to include a @dsl.pipeline decorator to provide metadata about the pipeline

Function Header

def mnist_pipeline(model_export_dir='gs://your-bucket/export',

The pipeline is defined in the mnist_pipeline function. It includes a number of arguments, which are exposed in the Kubeflow Pipelines UI when creating a new Run. Although passed as strings, these arguments are of type kfp.dsl.PipelineParam


train = dsl.ContainerOp(
        "--tf-export-dir", model_export_dir,
        "--tf-train-steps", train_steps,
        "--tf-batch-size", batch_size,
        "--tf-learning-rate", learning_rate

This block defines the 'train' component. A component is made up of a kfp.dsl.ContainerOp object with the container path and a name specified. The container image used is defined in the Dockerfile.model in the MNIST example

After defining the train component, we also set a number of environment variables for the training script


serve = dsl.ContainerOp(
        '--model-export-path', model_export_dir,
        '--server-name', "mnist-service"

The 'serve' component is slightly different than 'train'. While 'train' runs a single container and then exits, 'serve' runs a container that launches long-living resources in the cluster. The ContainerOP takes two arguments: the path we exported our trained model to, and a server name. Using these, this pipeline component creates a Kubeflow tf-serving service within the cluster. This service lives after the pipeline is complete, and can be seen using kubectl get all -n kubeflow. The Dockerfile used to build this container can be found here.

The serve.after(train) line specifies that this component is to run sequentially after 'train' is complete

Web UI

web_ui = dsl.ContainerOp(
        '--image', '\
        '--name', 'web-ui',
        '--container-port', '5000',
        '--service-port', '80',
        '--service-type', "LoadBalancer"


Like 'serve', the web-ui component launches a service that exists after the pipeline is complete. Instead of launching a Kubeflow resource, the web-ui launches a standard Kubernetes Deployment/Service pair. The Dockerfile that builds the deployment image can be found here. This image is used to deploy the web UI, which was built from the Dockerfile found in the MNIST example

After this component is run, a new LoadBalancer is provisioned that gives external access to a 'web-ui' deployment launched in the cluster.

Main Function

 steps = [train, serve, web_ui]
  for step in steps:
    if platform == 'GCP':
      step.apply(onprem.mount_pvc(pvc_name, 'local-storage', '/mnt'))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import kfp.compiler as compiler
    compiler.Compiler().compile(mnist_pipeline, __file__ + '.tar.gz')

For each step, if run under GCP, it is run with access to 'user-gcp-sa' secret, which gives read/write access to GCS resources (during training) and access to the 'kubectl' command within the container (during serving).

If run on premise, it is run with access to pvc_name that is passed in as pipeline argument.

At the bottom of the script is a main function. This is used to compile the pipeline when the script is run