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Action tasks (Broadcasts)

Jiří M. aka Menion edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 53 revisions

Basic information

Android Broadcasts is a mechanism through which applications in Android communicate. One application may send to second (or also internally between own components) piece of information bundled in [Intent] object. Mechanism how are data send is called broadcasting.

Samples at bottom.

How to

Locus Map since version 3.31 supports the new bunch of commands, that are received as Broadcast intent with defined tasks & actions to do.

Every broadcast has to have defined tasks parameter with well formatted JSON object. Tasks usually have other parameters. In most cases, it is action parameter that defined sub-action. More in the definition below.

Every single task may have defined only single action parameter with additional extra parameters. List below display all available tasks and it's possible actions.



Locus Map/Classic 3.38+

  • action: "on"
  • name: "Name of dashboard"

Display dashboard defined by its name over the main map screen.

  • action: "off"

Just hide the current active dashboard. Nothing happens if no dashboard is active.


  • value: "[name]"

Start certain "big" function (from internally defined functions, like these available for functions panel), defined by its unique text ID.

Possible values:

  • altitude_manager : app altitude manager
  • quick_action_menu (deprecated, use 'floating_menu' below) : action menu for fast access for predefined functions (since 3.36.0)
  • floating_menu : action menu for fast access for predefined functions (since 3.53/4.2)
  • screen_compass : screen with compass
  • screen_data : screen with users points/tracks, opened on last visible tab
  • screen_data_points : screen with users points
  • screen_data_tracks : screen with users tracks
  • screen_gps : screen with GPS skyplot
  • screen_map_items : screen with "Map items" system
  • screen_maps : main app map manager
  • screen_store : Locus Store for download/purchase of additional content


Locus Map/Classic 3.49+

  • name: "Name of point" (optional)
  • lon: "Geographic longitude (-180°;180°)"
  • lat: "Geographic latitude (-90°;90°)"

Start guide to a certain point defined by name and coordinates.


  • action: "start"
  • name: "Name of configuration"

Start Asamm based Live tracking defined by "profile ID" identification. Value is visible in the app UI, in the detail of the tracking profile at the bottom.

  • action: "stop"
  • name: "Name of configuration" (optional)

Stop Asamm based Live tracking, optionally with the certain configuration defined by name (won't stop if named configuration is not running).


  • action: "start"
  • name: "Name of configuration" (optional)

Start custom-based Live tracking, optionally with the certain configuration defined by name (won't start if named configuration does not exist).

  • action: "stop"
  • name: "Name of configuration" (optional)

Stop custom-based Live tracking, optionally with the certain configuration defined by name (won't stop if named configuration is not running).


  • action: "on"

Enable map centering.

  • action: "off"

Disable map centering.

  • action: "toggle"

Toggle map centering.


  • value: [+,-]X
  • unit: "[%,dp,px]" (optional, default: px)
  • keep_centering: "[true/false]" (optional, default: false)

Move map in X-axis direction (+ => right), by defined X value. Optional units modify value. Optional parameter keep_centering allows to keep enabled "hold center".


  • value: [+,-]X
  • unit: "[%,dp,px]" (optional, default: px)
  • keep_centering: "[true/false]" (optional, default: false)

Move map in Y-axis direction (+ => bottom), by defined X value. Optional units modify value. Optional parameter keep_centering allows to keep enabled "hold center".


Locus Map/Classic 4.2/3.53

  • move_by_x: [+,-]X
  • move_by_x_unit: "[%,dp,px]" (optional, default: px)
  • move_by_y: [+,-]X
  • move_by_y_unit: "[%,dp,px]" (optional, default: px)


  • move_to_lon: "Geographic longitude (-180°;180°)"
  • move_to_lat: "Geographic latitude (-90°;90°)"


  • zoom: [0;24] (optional, default: -1)
  • animate: "[true/false]" (optional, default: true)
  • keep_centering: "[true/false]" (optional, default: false)

Complex action that is able to move and zoom with the map. It is necessary to follow these conditions:

  • there have to be defined movement, otherwise, the task will fail
  • use 'move_by' for relative movement with the map or 'move_to' for absolute movement to a certain location
  • change of the zoom is an optional parameter
  • keep_centering is also optional and allows keeping enabled "hold center"

Suggestion: do not use for repeated actions (like long-press of hardware button), because there is no guarantee, that the previous task will be 100% finished. For quick relative movement of the map without any delay (useful for repeated long-press calls for example), use map_move_x and map_move_y actions.


Locus Map/Classic 3.38+

  • action: "on"

Enable map rotation.

  • action: "off"

Disable map rotation.

  • action: "toggle"

Toggle map rotation.


  • action: "+"

Perform zoom-in action.

  • action: "-"

Perform zoom-out action.

  • action: "value"

Zoom to a certain value (in range [0;24]).

Sample tasks: { map_zoom: { action: "value", value: "20" } }


Locus Map/Classic 3.51+

  • name: "Name of point" (optional)
  • lon: "Geographic longitude (-180°;180°)"
  • lat: "Geographic latitude (-90°;90°)"

Start the "Navigate to" screen to a certain pre-set point defined by name and coordinates. There is still a need to manually trigger the start of navigation in the UI.


Locus Map/Classic 3.51+

  • action: "recalculate"

Recalculate current active navigation.

  • action: "stop"

Stop current navigation.


  • action: "menu"

Open app main menu.


Locus Map/Classic 4.2+/3.53+

  • action: "start"

Start the POI Alert feature with the last used parameters.

  • action: "stop"

Stop the POI Alert feature.


  • action: "start"
  • name: "Name of preset"

Activate preset defined by its name.


Locus Map 4.0+

Execute a certain quick bookmark defined by its name.

  • action: "start"
  • name: "Name of the bookmark"


  • action: "on"

Enable screen lock on the main screen.

  • action: "off"

Disable screen lock on the main screen.

  • or action: "toggle"

Toggle visibility of the screen lock on the main screen.


  • action: "on"

Turn screen on.

  • or action: "off"

Turn screen off.

  • or action: "toggle"

Toggle screen on/off state.


  • action: "start"
  • name: "My profile" (optional)

Check if the optional name is defined. If so, try to set a recording profile with the same name. In case of fail, ends this task. As the second step, start recording if it's not currently running.

  • action: "stop"
  • name: "My profile" (optional)
  • auto_save: [true,false] (optional)

Stop track recording, optionally with automatic save of track (if missing, the value from the profile is used). If name is also defined, the recording will be stopped only in case, profile with the same name is currently active.

  • action: "pause"
  • name: "My profile" (optional)

Pause active track recording. If name is also defined, the recording will be paused only in case, profile with the same name is currently active.

  • action: "discard"
  • name: "My profile" (optional)
  • confirm: [true,false]

Discard the current active track recording. Parameter confirm specify, if user confirmation is needed. In case, the application is currently not visible, track recording is always discarded without confirmation. If name is also defined, the recording will be discarded only in case, profile with the same name is currently active.

  • action: "toggle"
  • allow_start: [true,false] (optional, Locus Map 3.38+)

Allow toggling recording state. If the recording is running, pause it, otherwise if is paused, un-pause it. When recording is not running at all, nothing happens if parameter allow_start is not set to true

  • action: "add_wpt"
  • name: "Point name" (optional)
  • description: "Point description" (optional)
  • auto_save: [true,false] (optional)
  • action_after: "[audio,photo,video]" (optional)

Add waypoint to the current active recording. Extra parameters are optional and may predefine point name, allow to save point automatically and also allows to take an audio/photo/video point directly.


Locus Map 4.15+

  • lon: "Geographic longitude (-180°;180°)" (optional)
  • lat: "Geographic latitude (-90°;90°)" (optional)

Start the "Weather" screen with a certain pre-defined location. The current map screen center is used when coordinates are invalid (or not defined).


Samples below show parameters that need to be defined for custom intents or for example for Tasker application. All intents need to be sent as broadcasts (in Tasker defined as Broadcast Receiver).

The intent may have also defined a package parameter that say "which application should receive it". In case, you use Locus Map Free (Beta) and Locus Map Pro at once, or in case of target platform Android 8+, it is necessary to set this parameter too.

Locus Map Free (Beta):

Locus Map Pro:

Zoom in the map


extra: tasks: { map_zoom: { action: "+" } }

Move with map

to right and bottom by 25% of screen


extra: tasks: { map_move_x: { value: 25, unit: "%" }, map_move_y: { value: 25, unit: "%" } }

Start track recording


extra: tasks: { track_record: { action: "start", name: "Hiking" } }

Start function


extra: tasks: { function: { value: "quick_action_menu" } }

Start guidance to point & display compass


extra: tasks: { function: { value: "screen_compass" }, guide_to: { name: "My point", lon: 50.12345, lat: 15.12345 } }