This project is all about Mental Health,it shows how important is to look after your mental health
and shows some easy ways to maintain and improve your mental health.
Project Link
This project is done for code jam name Timathon hosted by Tech with Tim.
- Friendly Chatbot
- Statistics of Mental Health disorders
- Nutritions need to maintain mental health
- Exercise need to maintain mental health
- Some game to make you feel better
I hope i made this project very easy to use,But still if you find any difficulties follow the steps.
- Click the Chatbot Menu
- Click Take me there button
- There you can find a chatbot
- Click "Start Conversation" botton.
- Click "Listen me" button and,
- Ask for "Website tour" to Chatbot.
- Bot will guide you how to use the Breath.
Talking openly about what your going through would really help you to reduce the burden.
It is not trained for all conversation but you can talk some normal conversation.
- Click "Start Conversation" button. (Bot will greet you).
- Click "Listen me" button and start speaking once you stop speaking bot will reply.
- Click "Stop Conversation" to stop the conversation.
- Chrome browser.
- A divice to run that.
Here you find statistics of some mental health related disorders.
- Anxiety disorders
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar disorder
- Drug use disorders
- Alcohol use disorders
- Select different Countries from Dropdown menu to know the statistics of that country
- Click "Remove Country" button to remove lastly added country from the chart.
A new paper suggests that video games might hold the key to providing affordable, stigma-free mental health treatment around the globe.
So i added two simple games to play.
- On the below page click on the "STAY HAPPY" card to open Gaming section ,where you can find two games
- Click on the game you want to play.
- Use Left and Right arrow (or) use A and D to move the Car.
- If your using mobile use the two Arrow symbols below to move the car.
- Use Up arrow (or) Just click on the screen to jump.
It’s also important to understand how food choices affect your brain, Good diet is important for mental health.
- Click "Explore" button on main page. (Takes you to the second section).
- Click on the "Nutrition" card to explore.
One study found that increasing your activity levels from doing nothing, to exercising at least three times a week, reduces the risk of depression by up to 30 per cent.
- Click "Explore" button on main page. (Takes you to the second section).
- Click on the "Exercise" card to explore.
The whole website is responsive for most of the devices out there.