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Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Conjur authn-k8s client! In this document you'll find guidelines for how to get started.

For general contribution and community guidelines, please see the community repo.

Table of Contents




  • To work in this codebase, you will want to have at least Go v1.13 installed. The code may work on older versions but it has not been tested nor evaluated to be compatible for those configurations. We expect at the very least that you will need Go modules support so you will at minimum need Go v1.11+.

Debug Using Delve


For development porupuses you may want to debug your code on K8S pod. There are the steps to do it:

  1. Make sure delve installed brew install delve

  2. Make sure kind installed on your environment

    curl -Lo ./kind
    chmod +x ./kind
    mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind
  3. Make sure you have kubectl

    curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
    sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  4. Create kind cluster kind create cluster --config dev/kind.yaml

  5. Build docker image for debugging with the Dockerfile.Debug running: docker build -f dev/Dockerfile.debug -t authn-k8s-client-debug:latest .

  6. Load the docker image to your kind cluster kind load docker-image authn-k8s-client-debug:latest

  7. Create and run a deployment with authn-k8s-client-debug:latest and your configuration. In your deployment please note these things (you may use this example)

    1. Port for debugger (In my example it's 40000)

    2. volumeMounts and volumes to enable your local files be transferred to the container

    3. Your environment variables for the authn-k8s-client

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: debug-conjur-authn-k8s-client
      name: debug-conjur-authn-k8s-client
      replicas: 1
          app: debug-conjur-authn-k8s-client
            app: debug-conjur-authn-k8s-client
            - image: authn-k8s-client-debug
              imagePullPolicy: Never
              name: debug-authn-k8s-client
                <YOUR ENV VARIABLES>
                - containerPort: 40000 # Debugger port
              - mountPath: /run/conjur
                name: conjur-access-token
              - mountPath: /work
                name: test-volume # Path in the container
            - name: dockerpullsecret
            - name: conjur-access-token
                medium: Memory
            - name: test-volume
                path: /src/authn-k8s-client # For Kind Volume
  8. Create port forwarding to the debug port in your deployment (in this example it's 40000) kubectl port-forward deployment/debug-conjur-authn-k8s-client 40000:40000

  9. Now you can use your favorite GO IDE to configure remote debug configuration for the port you chosen and debug on your local pod.

    • In GoLand you can create a Go Remote running configuration and use it to connect to delve with the local port and debug like any other program but now on your pod. There is a debug configuration for GoLand in this repo called Debug_Authn_K8S_Client_On_Pod.xml goland_run_configuration

Clean you env with:

kind delete cluster

For more reading about whats done here you can read this documentation


Test Suites

To run the test suite, run ./bin/build and ./bin/test.

Demo Workflow

To run a sample deployment of the Helm charts located in /helm, run ./bin/test-workflow/start. This will download and run the conjur-oss-helm-chart project example, then consecutively install the helm/conjur-config-cluster-prep, helm/conjur-config-namespace-prep, and helm/conjur-app-deploy charts, in that order.

Demo Workflow JWT

You can create demo cluster of to check JWT sidecars on K8S. Please be aware this is now only for local kind cluster and not part of the pipleline because it requires open of K8S API for unauthenticated users. These are two options to run it.

  1. Test conjur-authn-k8s-client as sidecar container

    ./bin/test-workflow/start -a summon-sidecar-jwt --jwt

  2. Test secrets provider as init container :

    ./bin/test-workflow/start -a secrets-provider-k8s-jwt --jwt

  3. Test secretless broker as sidecar container: ./bin/test-workflow/start -a secretess-broker --jwt

Flags explanation :

  • -n Can be added for remaing the environment after script finished
  • -a Is for stating the app flow name
  • --jwt To enable jwt needed configurations to the cluster:
    • Install K8S ca in Conjur so it will be able to fetch jwks from K8S API
    • Open K8S JWKS API for unauthenticated user

You can use the kubectl edit command to edit the images in the deployment and replacing them with you develop and debug images for development porpuses. And fill free to play with the policy and the application K8S manifests to check convinently things on the sidecars.


Releases should be created by maintainers only. To create and promote a release, follow the instructions in this section.

Update the changelog and notices

  1. Create a new branch for the version bump.
  2. Based on the changelog content, determine the new version number and update.
  3. Determine the new version number and update the Helm Chart.yaml files in the helm/conjur-*/ directories.
  4. Review the git log and ensure the changelog contains all relevant recent changes with references to GitHub issues or PRs, if possible.
  5. Review the changes since the last tag, and if the dependencies have changed revise the NOTICES to correctly capture the included dependencies and their licenses / copyrights.
  6. Commit these changes - Bump version to x.y.z is an acceptable commit message - and open a PR for review.

Release and Promote

  1. Merging into main/master branches will automatically trigger a release. If successful, this release can be promoted at a later time.
  2. Jenkins build parameters can be utilized to promote a successful release or manually trigger aditional releases as needed.
  3. Reference the internal automated release doc for releasing and promoting.

Publish the Red Hat image

  1. Visit the Red Hat project page once the images have been pushed and manually choose to publish the latest release.


  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Make local changes to your fork by editing files
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Push your local changes to the remote server
  6. Create new Pull Request

From here your pull request will be reviewed and once you've responded to all feedback it will be merged into the project. Congratulations, you're a contributor!