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Make type variables scope like they do in GHC.
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I.e., without an explicit 'forall' type variables do not
scope over the body of a function.
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augustss committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 42b6317 commit 924f18d
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Showing 8 changed files with 4,537 additions and 4,517 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions TODO
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
* Better naming of internal identifiers
* Add mask&co to exceptions
* Make deriving refer to identifiers that don't need to be in scope
* Add reductions for underapplied K2,K3,K4

* Missing IO in ccall shows wrong location
Expand Down
8,954 changes: 4,478 additions & 4,476 deletions generated/mhs.c

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions src/MicroHs/Expr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module MicroHs.Expr(
Assoc(..), Fixity,
eForall, eForall',
impossible, impossibleShow,
getArrow, getArrows,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ data Expr
| EViewPat Expr EPat
| ELazy Bool EPat -- True indicates ~p, False indicates !p
-- only in types
| EForall [IdKind] EType
| EForall Bool [IdKind] EType -- True indicates explicit forall in the code
-- only while type checking
| EUVar Int
-- only after type checking
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ instance HasLoc Expr where
getSLoc (ELazy _ e) = getSLoc e
getSLoc (EUVar _) = error "getSLoc EUVar"
getSLoc (ECon c) = getSLoc c
getSLoc (EForall [] e) = getSLoc e
getSLoc (EForall iks _) = getSLoc iks
getSLoc (EForall _ [] e) = getSLoc e
getSLoc (EForall _ iks _) = getSLoc iks

instance forall a . HasLoc a => HasLoc [a] where
getSLoc [] = noSLoc -- XXX shouldn't happen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ subst s =
EApp f a -> EApp (sub f) (sub a)
ESign e t -> ESign (sub e) t
EUVar _ -> ae
EForall iks t -> EForall iks $ subst [ x | x@(i, _) <- s, not (elem i is) ] t
EForall b iks t -> EForall b iks $ subst [ x | x@(i, _) <- s, not (elem i is) ] t
where is = map idKindIdent iks
ELit _ _ -> ae
_ -> error "subst unimplemented"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ allVarsExpr' aexpr =
ELazy _ p -> allVarsExpr' p
EUVar _ -> id
ECon c -> (conIdent c :)
EForall iks e -> (map (\ (IdKind i _) -> i) iks ++) . allVarsExpr' e
EForall _ iks e -> (map (\ (IdKind i _) -> i) iks ++) . allVarsExpr' e
where field (EField _ e) = allVarsExpr' e
field (EFieldPun is) = (last is :)
field EFieldWild = impossible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ ppExprR raw = ppE
ELazy False p -> text "!" <> ppE p
EUVar i -> text ("_a" ++ show i)
ECon c -> ppCon c
EForall iks e -> ppForall iks <+> ppEType e
EForall _ iks e -> ppForall iks <+> ppEType e

ppApp :: [Expr] -> Expr -> Doc
ppApp as (EApp f a) = ppApp (a:as) f
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -814,8 +814,11 @@ getBindsVars :: [EBind] -> [Ident]
getBindsVars = concatMap getBindVars

eForall :: [IdKind] -> EType -> EType
eForall [] t = t
eForall vs t = EForall vs t
eForall = eForall' True

eForall' :: Bool -> [IdKind] -> EType -> EType
eForall' _ [] t = t
eForall' b vs t = EForall b vs t

eDummy :: Expr
eDummy = EVar dummyIdent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -875,7 +878,7 @@ freeTyVars = foldr (go []) []
| elem tv acc = acc
| isConIdent tv = acc
| otherwise = tv : acc
go bound (EForall tvs ty) acc = go (map idKindIdent tvs ++ bound) ty acc
go bound (EForall _ tvs ty) acc = go (map idKindIdent tvs ++ bound) ty acc
go bound (EApp fun arg) acc = go bound fun (go bound arg acc)
go _bound (EUVar _) acc = acc
go _bound (ECon _) acc = acc
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/MicroHs/Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ pType :: P EType
pType = do
vs <- pForall
t <- pTypeOp
pure $ if null vs then t else EForall vs t
pure $ if null vs then t else EForall True vs t

pForall :: P [IdKind]
pForall = (forallKW *> esome pIdKind <* pSymbol ".") <|< pure []
Expand Down
61 changes: 31 additions & 30 deletions src/MicroHs/TypeCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ mkTModule impt tds tcs =
[ TypeExport i (tentry i) [] | Type (i, _) _ <- tds ]

-- All type synonym definitions.
ses = [ (qualIdent mn i, EForall vs t) | Type (i, vs) t <- tds ]
ses = [ (qualIdent mn i, EForall True vs t) | Type (i, vs) t <- tds ]

-- All fixity declaration.
fes = [ (qualIdent mn i, fx) | Infix fx is <- tds, i <- is ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,8 +609,8 @@ primTypes =
tuple n =
i = tupleConstr builtinLoc n
in (i, [entry i $ EForall [kk] $ foldr kArrow kv (replicate n kv)])
kImplies = EForall [kk] $ kConstraint `kArrow` (kv `kArrow` kv)
in (i, [entry i $ EForall True [kk] $ foldr kArrow kv (replicate n kv)])
kImplies = EForall True [kk] $ kConstraint `kArrow` (kv `kArrow` kv)
-- The function arrow et al are bothersome to define in Primitives, so keep them here.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ primValues =
vks = [IdKind (mkIdent ("a" ++ show i)) kType | i <- enumFromTo 1 n]
ts = map tVarK vks
r = tApps c ts
in (c, [Entry (ECon $ ConData [(c, n)] c []) $ EForall vks $ EForall [] $ foldr tArrow r ts ])
in (c, [Entry (ECon $ ConData [(c, n)] c []) $ EForall True vks $ EForall True [] $ foldr tArrow r ts ])
in map tuple (enumFromTo 2 10)

kArrow :: EKind -> EKind -> EKind
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ expandSyn at = do
syns <- gets synTable
case M.lookup i syns of
Nothing -> return $ eApps t ts
Just (EForall vks tt) ->
Just (EForall _ vks tt) ->
-- if length vks /= length ts then tcError (getSLoc i) $ "bad synonym use"
-- else expandSyn $ subst (zip (map idKindIdent vks) ts) tt
let s = zip (map idKindIdent vks) ts
Expand All @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ expandSyn at = do
Just _ -> impossible
EUVar _ -> return $ eApps t ts
ESign a _ -> expandSyn a -- Throw away signatures, they don't affect unification
EForall iks tt | null ts -> EForall iks <$> expandSyn tt
EForall b iks tt | null ts -> EForall b iks <$> expandSyn tt
ELit _ (LStr _) -> return t
ELit _ (LInteger _) -> return t
_ -> impossible
Expand All @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ mapEType fn = rec
rec (EApp f a) = EApp (rec f) (rec a)
rec (ESign t k) = ESign (rec t) k
rec (EForall iks t) = EForall iks (rec t)
rec (EForall b iks t) = EForall b iks (rec t)
rec t = fn t

derefUVar :: EType -> T EType
Expand All @@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ derefUVar at =
return t'
EVar _ -> return at
ESign t k -> flip ESign k <$> derefUVar t
EForall iks t -> EForall iks <$> derefUVar t
EForall b iks t -> EForall b iks <$> derefUVar t
ELit _ (LStr _) -> return at
ELit _ (LInteger _) -> return at
_ -> impossible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ tLookupV i = do
tLookup (msgTCMode tcm) i

tInst :: HasCallStack => Expr -> EType -> T (Expr, EType)
tInst ae (EForall vks t) = do
tInst ae (EForall _ vks t) = do
t' <- tInstForall vks t
tInst ae t'
tInst ae at | Just (ctx, t) <- getImplies at = do
Expand All @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ tInstForall vks t =
return (subst (zip vs us) t)

tInst' :: EType -> T EType
tInst' (EForall vks t) = tInstForall vks t
tInst' (EForall _ vks t) = tInstForall vks t
tInst' t = return t

extValE :: HasCallStack =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ addTypeSyn :: EDef -> T ()
addTypeSyn adef =
case adef of
Type (i, vs) t -> do
let t' = EForall vs t
let t' = EForall True vs t
extSyn i t'
mn <- gets moduleName
extSyn (qualIdent mn i) t'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ expandClass impt dcls@(Class ctx (iCls, vks) fds ms) = do
mdflts = [ (i, eqns) | BFcn i eqns <- ms ]
dflttys = [ (i, t) | BDfltSign i t <- ms ]
tCtx = tApps (qualIdent mn iCls) (map (EVar . idKindIdent) vks)
mkDflt (BSign methId t) = [ Sign [iDflt] $ EForall vks $ tCtx `tImplies` ty, def $ lookup methId mdflts ]
mkDflt (BSign methId t) = [ Sign [iDflt] $ EForall True vks $ tCtx `tImplies` ty, def $ lookup methId mdflts ]
where ty = fromMaybe t $ lookup methId dflttys
def Nothing = Fcn iDflt $ simpleEqn noDflt
def (Just eqns) = Fcn iDflt eqns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ defaultSuffix :: String
defaultSuffix = uniqIdentSep ++ "dflt"

splitInst :: EConstraint -> ([IdKind], [EConstraint], EConstraint)
splitInst (EForall iks t) =
splitInst (EForall _ iks t) =
case splitInst t of
(iks', ctx, ct) -> (iks ++ iks', ctx, ct)
splitInst act | Just (ctx, ct) <- getImplies act =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ addValueType adef = do
tret = tApps (qualIdent mn tycon) (map tVarK vks)
addCon (Constr evks ectx c ets) = do
let ts = either id (map snd) ets
cty = EForall vks $ EForall evks $ addConstraints ectx $ foldr (tArrow . snd) tret ts
cty = EForall True vks $ EForall True evks $ addConstraints ectx $ foldr (tArrow . snd) tret ts
fs = either (const []) (map fst) ets
extValETop c cty (ECon $ ConData cti (qualIdent mn c) fs)
mapM_ addCon cs
Expand All @@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ addValueType adef = do
t = snd $ head $ either id (map snd) ets
tret = tApps (qualIdent mn tycon) (map tVarK vks)
fs = either (const []) (map fst) ets
extValETop c (EForall vks $ EForall [] $ tArrow t tret) (ECon $ ConNew (qualIdent mn c) fs)
extValETop c (EForall True vks $ EForall True [] $ tArrow t tret) (ECon $ ConNew (qualIdent mn c) fs)
addConFields tycon con
ForImp _ i t -> extValQTop i t
Class ctx (i, vks) fds ms -> addValueClass ctx i vks fds ms
Expand All @@ -1361,9 +1361,9 @@ addValueClass ctx iCls vks fds ms = do
tret = tApps qiCls (map tVarK vks)
cti = [ (qualIdent mn iCon, length targs) ]
iCon = mkClassConstructor iCls
iConTy = EForall vks $ foldr tArrow tret targs
iConTy = EForall True vks $ foldr tArrow tret targs
extValETop iCon iConTy (ECon $ ConData cti (qualIdent mn iCon) [])
let addMethod (BSign i t) = extValETop i (EForall vks $ tApps qiCls (map (EVar . idKindIdent) vks) `tImplies` t) (EVar $ qualIdent mn i)
let addMethod (BSign i t) = extValETop i (EForall True vks $ tApps qiCls (map (EVar . idKindIdent) vks) `tImplies` t) (EVar $ qualIdent mn i)
addMethod _ = impossible
-- traceM ("addValueClass " ++ showEType (ETuple ctx))
mapM_ addMethod meths
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1399,14 +1399,14 @@ tcDefValue adef =

-- Add implicit forall and type check.
tCheckTypeTImpl :: HasCallStack => EType -> EType -> T EType
tCheckTypeTImpl tchk t@(EForall _ _) = tCheckTypeT tchk t
tCheckTypeTImpl tchk t@(EForall _ _ _) = tCheckTypeT tchk t
tCheckTypeTImpl tchk t = do
bvs <- stKeysLcl <$> gets valueTable -- bound outside
let fvs = freeTyVars [t] -- free variables in t
-- these are free, and need quantification. eDummy indicates missing kind
iks = map (\ i -> IdKind i eDummy) (fvs \\ bvs)
--when (not (null iks)) $ traceM ("tCheckTypeTImpl: " ++ show (t, eForall iks t))
tCheckTypeT tchk (eForall iks t)
tCheckTypeT tchk (eForall' False iks t)

tCheckTypeT :: HasCallStack => EType -> EType -> T EType
tCheckTypeT = tCheck tcTypeT
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1711,11 +1711,11 @@ tcExprR mt ae =
e' <- instSigma loc e t' mt
checkSigma e' t'
-- Only happens in type&kind checking mode.
EForall vks t ->
EForall b vks t ->
-- assertTCMode (==TCType) $
withVks vks $ \ vks' -> do
tt <- tcExpr mt t
return (EForall vks' tt)
return (EForall b vks' tt)
EUpdate e flds -> do
ises <- concat <$> mapM (dsEField e) flds
me <- dsUpdate unsetField e ises
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1909,7 +1909,8 @@ tcExprLam mt qs = do

tcEqns :: Bool -> EType -> [Eqn] -> T [Eqn]
--tcEqns _ t eqns | trace ("tcEqns: " ++ showEBind (BFcn dummyIdent eqns) ++ " :: " ++ show t) False = undefined
tcEqns top (EForall iks t) eqns = withExtTyps iks $ tcEqns top t eqns
tcEqns top (EForall expl iks t) eqns | expl = withExtTyps iks $ tcEqns top t eqns
| otherwise = tcEqns top t eqns
tcEqns top t eqns | Just (ctx, t') <- getImplies t = do
let loc = getSLoc eqns
d <- newADictIdent loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2063,9 +2064,9 @@ tcPat mt ae =
-- traceM (show ipt)
case xpt of
-- Sanity check
EForall _ (EForall _ _) -> return ()
EForall _ _ (EForall _ _ _) -> return ()
_ -> impossibleShow i
EForall avs apt <- tInst' xpt
EForall _ avs apt <- tInst' xpt
(sks, spt) <- shallowSkolemise avs apt
(d, p, pt) <-
case getImplies spt of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2242,7 +2243,7 @@ dsType at =
EListish (LList [t]) -> tApp (tList (getSLoc at)) (dsType t)
ETuple ts -> tApps (tupleConstr (getSLoc at) (length ts)) (map dsType ts)
ESign t k -> ESign (dsType t) k
EForall iks t -> EForall iks (dsType t)
EForall b iks t -> EForall b iks (dsType t)
ELit _ (LStr _) -> at
ELit _ (LInteger _) -> at
_ -> impossible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2289,7 +2290,7 @@ quantify tvs ty = do
zipWithM_ (\ tv n -> setUVar tv (EVar n)) tvs newVars
ty' <- derefUVar ty
putUvarSubst osubst -- reset the setUVar we did above
return (EForall newVarsK ty')
return (EForall False newVarsK ty')

allBinders :: [Ident] -- a,b,..z, a1, b1,... z1, a2, b2,...
allBinders = [ mkIdent [x] | x <- ['a' .. 'z'] ] ++
Expand All @@ -2305,7 +2306,7 @@ skolemise :: HasCallStack =>
Sigma -> T ([TyVar], Rho)
-- Performs deep skolemisation, returning the
-- skolem constants and the skolemised type.
skolemise (EForall tvs ty) = do -- Rule PRPOLY
skolemise (EForall _ tvs ty) = do -- Rule PRPOLY
(sks1, ty') <- shallowSkolemise tvs ty
(sks2, ty'') <- skolemise ty'
return (sks1 ++ sks2, ty'')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2333,7 +2334,7 @@ metaTvs tys = foldr go [] tys
| elem tv acc = acc
| otherwise = tv : acc
go (EVar _) acc = acc
go (EForall _ ty) acc = go ty acc
go (EForall _ _ ty) acc = go ty acc
go (EApp fun arg) acc = go fun (go arg acc)
go (ELit _ _) acc = acc
go _ _ = impossible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2370,7 +2371,7 @@ checkSigma expr sigma = do
subsCheckRho :: HasCallStack =>
SLoc -> Expr -> Sigma -> Rho -> T Expr
--subsCheckRho _ e1 t1 t2 | trace ("subsCheckRho: " ++ show e1 ++ " :: " ++ show t1 ++ " = " ++ show t2) False = undefined
subsCheckRho loc exp1 sigma1@(EForall _ _) rho2 = do -- Rule SPEC
subsCheckRho loc exp1 sigma1@(EForall _ _ _) rho2 = do -- Rule SPEC
(exp1', rho1) <- tInst exp1 sigma1
subsCheckRho loc exp1' rho1 rho2
subsCheckRho loc exp1 arho1 rho2 | Just _ <- getImplies arho1 = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2733,7 +2734,7 @@ substEUVar _ t@(EVar _) = t
substEUVar _ t@(ELit _ _) = t
substEUVar s (EApp f a) = EApp (substEUVar s f) (substEUVar s a)
substEUVar s t@(EUVar i) = fromMaybe t $ lookup i s
substEUVar s (EForall iks t) = EForall iks (substEUVar s t)
substEUVar s (EForall b iks t) = EForall b iks (substEUVar s t)
substEUVar _ _ = impossible

-- Length of lists match, because of kind correctness.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ test:
$(TMHS) ImpMet && $(EVAL) > ImpMet.out && diff ImpMet.ref ImpMet.out
$(TMHS) MultiIf && $(EVAL) > MultiIf.out && diff MultiIf.ref MultiIf.out
$(TMHS) LameCase && $(EVAL) > LameCase.out && diff LameCase.ref LameCase.out
$(TMHS) NoForall && $(EVAL) > NoForall.out && diff NoForall.ref NoForall.out

sh $(MHS) < errmsg.test
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions tests/NoForall.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module NoForall where

-- Without an explicit forall the 'a' is not bound in the body.
f :: a -> ((a,a),(a,a))
f x =
let g :: a -> (a,a)
g a = (a,a)
in g (x,x)

main :: IO ()
main = print (f True)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/NoForall.ref
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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