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Alxandr edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 6 revisions

This is a place for the Aurelia community to dream....about tooling. If you could have a development environment for building Aurelia apps...what would that look like? What features do you want most? What couldn't you live without?

Realize that not everyone uses American layout on their keyboards

A lot of newer editors use keyboard-shortcuts that are hard (if not impossible) to use on European keyboards.

Ability to cut/copy/paste whole lines

Ctrl+x/c/v without marking anything works on the current line.

Ability to mark several lines and comment/decomment them with some command

Example, in Sublime Text I can mark 10 lines, hit Ctrl+P and type comment followed by enter. There might be a simpler way to do this, but the command-pallete in sublime is the easiest to remember at least for me.

Autocompletes across files

When dealing with dynamic languages (like javascript), sublime does a fairly good job of showing you lists of possible tokens you might want to insert. It's light weight, and you can generally figure out what you want yourself. However, with ES6 imports, it should also show you tokens imported, and not just the ones in the same file.

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