Releases: aurelia/skeleton-navigation
Releases · aurelia/skeleton-navigation
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.15.1
Cleaning up the config.js file
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.15.0
Bug Fixes
- build: include source in source maps. resolve #111 (e6accba4)
- package: reduce debug requests using core-js override (cede89f6)
- tests: Fix unit tests (8abc7741)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.14.0
Bug Fixes
- all: update route config to match changes in router (5f272a41)
- config:
- add mappings that reflect the EA deps for pre-release testing (d7cebc67)
- revert path config after tool change (a1c4524b)
- karma:
- Fixed tests to adhere to new flickr route (caf4838c)
- properly set jspm paths for karma (75584889)
- package: update deps to latest versions (4fa8356c)
- styles: change the image animation (009f4e28)
- tests: Fix unit tests for new release (89b75782)
- welcome: rename the welcome method to submit (5e4894f3)
- anim: adds staggering animations (5324e133)
- flickr: move canDeactivate prompt into Welcome (834b83a8)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.13.0
Bug Fixes
- all: update to latest router usage (1bb373f7)
- anim: Remove welcome class animation (a68fc9d4)
- build: use relative path for source maps. resolve #66 (aaf3cc9a)
- flickr: remove inline styles (612e0ea6)
- index: add the viewport meta tag to ensure proper rendering and touch zooming (0ecf0b9e)
- navbar: automatically collapse the navigation menu on click (28f3c6fa)
- package: update dependencies (dfe57813)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.12.0
Bug Fixes
- readme: More info about E2E workflow (f9b360ee)
- test: workaround for issue with jspm karma plugin (7bf90b7e)
- tests: Update routes in unit tests (fb2c02b6)
- all: new decorators and behavior model implemented (e5445795)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.11.0
Bug Fixes
- all: update to latest framework versions (86378200)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.10.2
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.10.1
Bug Fixes
- child-router: correct class name (93f9bfc9)
- e2e:
- package: update dependencies (42b6ebbd)
- e2e: add protractor plugin, add waitMethods (d24c5a0d)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.10.0
Bug Fixes
- index: properly load bootstrap (c1735fdb)
aurelia-skeleton-navigation v0.9.5
Bug Fixes
- build:
- include root attribute on path for source maps (e3fc2d5a, closes #26)
- add source maps; remove sourceFileName from compiler options (1733c4ad)
- package: update dependencies (025154f3)
- test: removing single it execution (31866dc3)
- e2e: add protractor locator and e2e PO test (2509836e)