- Auto-completion (revisit for advanced configuration)
- Auto-correction of diagnostics/linting errors
- Auto-imports
- Case Changer (i.e.: CamelCaseEr, snake_case_er, Title-Er, UPPERER, lowerer, etc.er)
- Code actions
- Debugger
- File templates
- Opening in existing nvim instances (neovim-remote)
- Refactoring
- Snippets
- Unit test integrations
- Ability to run from nvim
- Ability to view/act on results
- Ability to debug and step through execution
- Fish
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jq
- Json
- K8S Yaml
- Terraform
- Toml
- TypeScript
- Yaml
- Zsh
- I'm not totally happy w/ my tab/buffer management schemes and my non-workflows that haven't really come to be w/ my current tooling
- Incorporate tabs (and windows?) into workflows (not very concrete)
- How can I open multiple files at once w/ nvimtree?
- Add (relative) line numbers by default to diffview, undotree, spectre, etc.
- Create lualine extensions for diffview, undotree, and spectre
- Add ability to refactor imports on file move
- Add LuaSnip custom snippets
- Enhance styling (i.e.: selective bolding, diff fonts, etc.)
- Refactor nvim utils to separate repo? (at least those that would be/are useful for plugins as well)
- Use lsp hooks to plug into lsp, instead of baking dependent code directly into lsp setup
- Continue comments only in docstrings
- Automatically add new params to docstrings
- Add unit tests
- Add more systematic logging
- Add more systematic error-handling
- Add tracebacks to error logging
- Add ability to make file "un-executable" from nvim-tree
- Configure auto-completion support for neorepl
- Add barbar + session integration so buffers are restored in correct order
- Integrate scopes.nvim w/ session manager
- Configure (layouts) for individual telescope pickers, based on usability, and extensions, to the extent possible
- Convert user commands to lua apis?
- Add ability to open spectre in a arbitrary splits, own buffer, tab, modal, etc.
- Add ability to specify max log size and to "retire" (update name to include date, or something similar) and create a new log file
- Issue upgrading LuaSnip
- Figure out why barbar diagnostics don't work
- "Fix plugins extension" (?)
- Disable cmdline auto-completion for specific commands (ls, for example)
- Barbar shouldn't reopen non-editable/help buffers (i.e.: nvimtree, diffview, side panel, etc.)
- Bufresize should ignore certain window types (i.e.: nvimtree, diffview, side panel, etc.)
- Figure out why neorepl doesn't always seem to have the latest version of code, even when I stop/start nvim (maybe due to my "on_bind" global imports...?)
- Fix snippet loading
- Fix statusline crowding in specific utility buffers (i.e.: nvimtree, diffview file tree, probably others)
- Editorconfig line length constraints aren't being enforced
- Fix issues w/ duplicate sessions (one w/ branch + one w/o)
- Fix session save logic that closes non-restorable buffers
- Figure out why session seem not to save sometimes, or don't save w/ the right cwd
- Fix markdown and vimdoc highlighting
- Fix colorizer autocmds
- Fix text wrap/line continuation issues
- Change parameter position, or otherwise change parameters
- Update docs
- Update call sites
- Make function, method, field, etc public/private/package/protected
- For lua, convert function to/from local
- Easily wrap values in function calls/or arbitrary braces
- Easily move functions/methods w/in a file
- Moving files w/ path dependent imports changes imports
- Change case style (i.e.: CamelCaseEr, snake_case_er, Title-Er, UPPERER, lowerer, etc.er)
- Auto-fill completed function params
- Deleting a control structure and automatically reindenting interior code
- Remove control structure, i.e.: remove loops/if statements/etc, fix indentation/formatting of code contained therein
Menu in file-explorer (i.e.: nvim-tree) that allows you to choose specific kinds of files/dirs to create. Can include custom types as well as templates. Some examples:
- New lang specific file
- lua
- python
- shell (i.e.: bash)
- New lang specific folder structure
- Python project (i.e.: w/ project.toml)
- Python module (i.e.: w/ init.py)
- Create missing function/method/var, etc.
- Pretty status/interaction menu consisting of
- Tabs
- Buffers, grouped by tabs if possible
- Interactions include
- Navigating to tab
- Navigating to buffer
- Opening/creating tabs
- Opening/creating buffers
- Closing/deleting tabs
- Closing/deleting buffers
- Renaming tabs
- Moving tabs?
- Moving/regrouping buffers?
Hydra menu w/ that enables contextual inspections, including:
- Checking cwd
- Current buffer info
- Current tab info
- Current window info
- If session is recording
- Update logs opener to make buffer non-modifiable
- Update logs opener to set custom filetype
- Add buffer menu that lists logs available for exploration
- Auto-pairs
- Code searching utility (always room for improvement here)
- Code outline (still exploring other options)
- Colorscheme (but always evolving)
- Comments
- Diff viewer (could be better though...)
- Docstring template insertion (explore configuration options)
- Filetree/explorer (not 100% happy, need to look into neo-tree, etc.)
- Find + replace
- Formatting
- Fuzzy-find commands
- General prettiness (😅)
- Git in-file indicators (again, not 100% happy, want to continue exploring)
- Git history interactions (i.e.: file history, git blame, etc.)
- Git state interactions (commit, merge, rebase, cherry-pick, etc.) (lazygit)
- Inline docs/hints
- Linting
- Merge tool (...at least needs further configuration)
- Notifications
- Persistent undo history
- Project manager (still wanna see what other options are out there though)
- Renaming
- Session manager
- Sniprun
- Start screen? (again, wanna explore)
- Status bar (would like to customize it more though) (and investigate extensions)
- Surround
- Syntax checking (for a small set of languages, guts are there at least)
- Tab/buffer bar
- The Line - a stylized indicator that a line is (almost) too long
- Telescope
- Undo tree (it works, but could look better... I dunno, wanna continue looking/tinkering)
- Tag generator, viewer, and associated plugins
- Generator - gutentags
- Bash
- Python3
- Lua
- Make gitsigns symbols more obvious (seems to be based on the colorscheme, but enabling numhl seems to have helped)
- Add ability to optionally suppress notifications when logging w/ nvim logger
- Add ability to parameterize persistence of notifications logged through nvim logger
- Add augroup's to autocmds
- Add leap highlight (more "won't do", as I've adopted folke's "flash.nvim" as my motion plugin of choice)
- Bi-directional leap
- Leap in nvimtree
- Telescope picker for package dir (i.e.: plugins)
- Homegrown session manager (got most [much?] of the way there and then figured out how to make session manager plugin do what I want it to [i.e.: session per dir, more or less])
- Customize titles in contextual telescope extension search
- Better nvim init error handling (unclear if it actually works, but it's there-ish)
- Notifications/modals/confirmation menus on nvim init error
- Logger should write to nvim application logs
- Update nvim alias to include writing to logs (didn't do exactly this, but logs are being written and it's as configurable as it needs to be at this point)
- Refactor KeyMapper to use state so as to avoid duplication "options" functions, etc.
- Enable spell-checker/grammar helper/etc. (potentially investigate spellchecker plugins, i.e.: spelunker)
- Enable minor auto-reformatting, i.e.: aligning spacing, remove trailing whitespace, automatic newlines + alignment, replacing tabs w/ spaces, etc. (editorconfig got me a lot of the way there, but I can still do better -> neoformat)
- Add ability to close all buffers except "this one" (i.e.: the focused buffer)
- Add ability to copy file contents from nvim-tree
- Copy file content to clipboard from nvimtree (dup)
- Add Lualine support for projects
- Add Lualine support for sessions
- Add ability to make file executable from nvim-tree
- Add override key bindings for nvimtree contextual search (constrained contextual search to nvimtree buffer, updated relevant global key bindings to use builtins instead of contextual search functions)
- Add ability to close neorepl from outside of its buffer
- Hydra menu for interacting w/ log files
- Add mechanism for automatically installing language components, not just lsp servers
- Change diagnostic symbols to something snazzier
- Leap "repeat"/"again" capability, like "n"/"N" in search? (got rid of leap in favor of flash)
- Git interactions from nvimtree (partially there w/ stage/unstage)
- Change diff/merge view colors to something that makes for better UX (colorscheme dependent unless I want to add/configure highlight groups)
- Remap available spectre commands: https://github.com/nvim-pack/nvim-spectre (what I have works)
- !!! Diagnose and fix Treesitter issues (see fb465783acaa09ac0f8c1ab07eac6e22948f8ea3 for resolution notes)
- Figure out why tabs.lua isn't being read from keymap/, then move from keymap/plugins -> keymap/ (ended up being an issues w/ the way "require paths" were being constructed for recursive calls)
- Fix lua_ls workspace configuration prompt
- Fix leap.nvim repeat functionality (didn't really fix this, but have opted, at least for the moment, to use flash.nvim, instead of leap, as my primary motion plugin)
- DiffviewClose doesn't consistently close all diffview buffers/windows (the issue ended up being a usability problem really: it's possible for multiple diffview menus to open, and it's not always obvious what's happening when sequentially closing them)
- Auto-session has issues saving/restoring "special" (maybe literally?) buffers, i.e.: nvim-tree, undotree (presumably), diffview, etc.... (ended up sticking w/ existing session manager plugin)
- Re-install, or otherwise just fix, nvim-tmux-navigation
- Fix buffer ordering (or fix sequential navigation, i.e.: navigate in visual order)
- Fix "redo" custom mapping repeatability, i.e.: I can't hit leader (
) once and hitr
N times to get N redo operations (got rid of mapping altogether) - Fix "redo" custom mapping wait time
- Migrate nvimtree
- nvimtree won't toggle hidden files (can't ever see/interact w/ them)
- Nvim is complaining that the Lua LSP isn't installed (used mason to install)
- Something seems to be wrong w/ treesitter plugin setup (opts is nil?) (I think this has been addressed; will know when next update is pushed)
- Fix gitsigns on_attach (doesn't seem to be getting bound/called)
- Add more words/better dictionaries ("suggest word(s)" action never actually suggests anything) (ended up being a misconfiguration: spell suggest setting shouldn't have been an int)
- Update lua files/packages that export functions to encapsulate them in tables
- Figure out why, even after changing the supposedly relevant vim configs., adding a new line from a comment, above or below the commented line, continues the comment
- Fix issues w/ session mgr not restoring sessions from cwd even though I'm now manually setting it (switched session mgr from neovim-session-mgr to persisted.nvim + added custom session lifecycle mgmt)
- Figure out auto-session <-> lualine integration issues, i.e.: can't import auto-session.lib (or auto-session at all, really) (switched session mgr from neovim-session-mgr to persisted.nvim + added custom session lifecycle mgmt)
- Figure out why restoring sessions often causes barbar errors (switched session mgr from neovim-session-mgr to persisted.nvim + added custom session lifecycle mgmt)
- Check for nvim-surround treesitter dependency; if it has one, add it to TreesitterPlugin and make downstream changes
- Figure out cyclic import issue w/ logging
- Fix aerial markdown issue
- Fix indent-blankline
- Figure out why telescope layout config params seem to not be respected sometimes (as it turns out, this seems to be an issues exclusively for extensions; unfortunately, extensions don't make guarantees about their configuration params, and so may not respect the same layout config options the builtin pickers do)
- Figure out why additional key bindings to packages telescope finder aren't working (they weren't using the telescope api to get the selected value)
- Figure out auto-session <-> lualine integration issues, i.e.: can't import auto-session.lib (or auto-session at all, really)
- I no longer use auto-session (at least for the time being)