Please describe both what is changing and why this is important. Include:
- Endpoints added, deleted, deprecated, or changed
- Classes and methods added, deleted, deprecated, or changed
- Screenshots of new or changed UI, if applicable
- A summary of usage if this is a new feature or change to a public API (this should also be added to relevant documentation once released)
- Any alternative designs or approaches considered
Please include relevant links supporting this change such as a:
- support ticket
- community post
- StackOverflow post
- support forum thread
Please describe how this can be tested by reviewers. Be specific about anything not tested and reasons why. If this library has unit and/or integration testing, tests should be added for new functionality and existing tests should complete without errors.
- This change adds unit test coverage
- This change adds integration test coverage
- I have read the Auth0 general contribution guidelines
- I have read the Auth0 Code of Conduct
- All existing and new tests complete without errors