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Efe Karakus edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 21 revisions

The ECS CLI manifest describes the application’s infrastructure as code. It is a file generated from ecs-preview init or ecs-preview app init that AWS CloudFormation can understand. Unlike raw CloudFormation templates, the manifest describes the architecture of the application and not the individual resources in its infrastructure.

Manifest files are stored under the ecs-project/ directory and end with -app.yml.

Load Balanced Web App

List of all available properties for a 'Load Balanced Web App' manifest.

# Your application name will be used in naming your resources like log groups, services, etc.
name: api
# The "architecture" of the application you're running.
type: Load Balanced Web App

  # Path to your application's Dockerfile.
  build: api/Dockerfile
  # Port exposed through your container to route traffic to it.
  port: 80

  # Requests to this path will be forwarded to your service.
  path: '*'

# Number of CPU units for the task.
cpu: 256
# Amount of memory in MiB used by the task.
memory: 512
# Number of tasks that should be running in your service.
count: 1

variables:                    # Optional. Pass environment variables as key value pairs.
  LOG_LEVEL: info

secrets:                      # Optional. Pass secrets from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store.
  GITHUB_TOKEN: GITHUB_TOKEN  # The key is the name of the environment variable, the value is the name of the SSM parameter.

# Optional. You can override any of the values defined above by environment.
    count: 2               # Number of tasks to run for the "test" environment.
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