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app logs command

David Killmon edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 4 revisions
$ ecs-preview app logs

What does it do?

ecs-preview app logs displays logs of a deployed application.

What are the flags?

    --end-time string     Optional. Only return logs before a specific date (RFC3339).
                          Defaults to all logs. Only one of end-time / follow may be used.
-e, --env string          Name of the environment.
    --follow              Optional. Specifies if the logs should be streamed.
-h, --help                help for logs
    --json                Optional. Outputs in JSON format.
    --limit int           Optional. The maximum number of log events returned. (default 10)
-n, --name string         Name of the application.
-p, --project string      Name of the project.
    --since duration      Optional. Only return logs newer than a relative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h.
                          Defaults to all logs. Only one of start-time / since may be used.
    --start-time string   Optional. Only return logs after a specific date (RFC3339).
                          Defaults to all logs. Only one of start-time / since may be used.

What does it look like?

ecs-preview app logs

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