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pipeline init command

David Killmon edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 4 revisions
$ copilot pipeline init [flags]

What does it do?

copilot pipeline init creates a pipeline manifest for the services in your workspace, using the environments associated with the application.

What are the flags?

-e, --environments strings         Environments to add to the pipeline.
-b, --git-branch string            Branch used to trigger your pipeline.
-t, --github-access-token string   GitHub personal access token for your repository.
-u, --github-url string            GitHub repository URL for your service.
-h, --help                         help for init


Create a pipeline for the services in your workspace.

$ copilot pipeline init \
--github-access-token file://myGitHubToken \
--environments "test,prod" \
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