- Fixed: Job specifications settings issue when options with similar words are entered.
- Fixed: HTML content issue in notification mails for some installations.
- Improved: Mail notification template. Logo in mail notification with the link to the site homepage.
- Fixed: Uploading issue with documents exported with Google.
- Fixed: Accessibility issue in job listing filters.
- Fixed: Deprecation notice with function wp_no_robots.
- Improved: Settings error handling.
- Dev: Added functions for better debugging.
- Minor bug fixes and code improvements.
- Added: HTML editor support for notifications.
- Added: Author info in the admin job listing table.
- Fixed: HTML structure issue in the notification mail.
- Improved: Notifications mail handling.
- Improved: Multilingual support for job specifications.
- Dev: Hooks for specifications customization.
- Code improvements.
- Fixed: Search field style issues in job listing.
- Fixed: Responsive style issues with job filters.
- WordPress 5.9 compatibility fixes.
- Added: Akismet Anti-Spam Protection.
- Fixed: Application form issue with in-app browsers.
- Improved: Job listing filters UI.
- Other minor bug fixes and style improvements.
- Added: Option to enable plugin-based form styles (Settings > Form > General > Form Style). Job listing and detail page templates need to be updated if overridden in the theme.
- Fixed: Warnings in job archive pages.
- Fixed: Notifications translations not working with Polylang plugin.
- Dev: Hook to customize the wrapping element class for the job listing and detail page.
- Code improvements.
- Admin UI improvements.
- Job listing UI improvements. The template file needs to be updated if overridden in the theme.
- Added: Overview page with support for Applications Analytics widget, Get Started widget, Recent Applications widget, Open Positions widget, and Your Listings widget.
- Added: Multiple pagination support - Classic or Modern.
- Fixed: 'Add New' button for applications being displayed for Multisite network.
- Fixed: Issue in removing duplicate job specification options.
- Fixed: Email digest from address is not the same as the mail address for admin notification.
- Improved: Admin dashboard widget.
- Improved: Job Specifications settings.
- Improved: HR user capabilities.
- Dev: Deprecated job listing hooks.
- Dev: Deprecated recent jobs widget hooks.
- Dev: Hook to override the allowed HTML for the form.
- Dev: Hook to customize expired job content.
- Code improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Fixed: Media missing from library in WordPress.com when 'Secure uploaded files' option is enabled.
- Fixed: Accessibility issues in job filters. #28
- Fixed: GDPR text issue in Polylang when accents are used.
- Added: Timezone setting for job expiration.
- Added: Setting to remove custom permalink front base.
- Fixed: Slash issue in the mail with special characters.
- Improved: Updated jQuery Validation Plugin to version 1.19.3.
- Dev: Added new filter hooks to control the plugin-generated UI and content.
- Dev: Improved Form Handling Hooks.
- Dev: Deprecated 'awsm_specification_content' filter hook in favor of 'awsm_job_specs_content'.
- Code improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Added: Notification Mail Template Customizer (Settings > Notifications > Customize). Template files need to be updated if overridden in the theme.
- Fixed: Pre validation for file field not working.
- Fixed: Cover letter formatting issue in the notification mail content.
- Fixed: Accents don't work in the Specification fields.
- Improved: Form Handling. Template files need to be updated if overridden in the theme.
- Improved: Notification HTML Mail Template.
- Dev: New Hooks for Handling Job Filters.
- Dev: Improved Form Handling Hooks.
- Dev: Added JS Events to handle Form Submission, Filters, and Load More.
- Other minor bug fixes and style improvements.
- Fixed: Issue with WooCommerce Plugin that prevents the users with HR Role from accessing the backend.
- Fixed: 'Secure uploaded files' option doesn't work in 'Media Library' for some installations.
- Fixed: Job Filters not working for some installations.
- Improved: Redirect users with HR Role to job page instead of profile page after login.
- Improved: WPML compatibility for Settings.
- Other minor bug fixes and style improvements.
- WordPress 5.6 compatibility fixes.
- Added: Featured image support for Job Openings and in the job listing and an option to enable the support. Template files need to be updated if overridden in theme.
- Added: Excerpt, Author, and Custom fields support for Job Openings.
- Added: Force expiry option in the submit meta box.
- Added: Option to disable the archive page for Job Openings.
- Improved: Date and Time formatting.
- Code improvements and minor bug fixes.
- Admin UI improvements.
- Added: New Onboarding interface.
- Added: Job Overview dashboard widget.
- Added: Custom Admin navigation.
- Added: HTML Template support for notification mails.
- Added: Daily email digest if there are new applications.
- Added: Drag and Drop sorting for Job Specifications.
- Added: Functionality to clear searched value.
- Added: 'Actions' meta box in application edit screen.
- Added: Next and Previous navigation in application edit screen.
- Added: Reply-To support in Admin notification mail.
- Fixed: An issue that prevents user from adding numeric values for job specification in job edit screen.
- Fixed: Job detail page returning empty content in some themes.
- Fixed: Specification terms not removing from settings if it contains some special characters.
- Dev: New hooks for customizing the form fields.
- Dev: New hook for customizing the terms display in job specification filters.
- Other minor fixes and code improvements.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixed: Job search results showing invalid listings when 'Load more' button is clicked.
- Fixed: An issue that prevents user from closing the job specification dropdown.
- Fixed: Job specification based translations not working in WPML.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
- Added: Jobs Search
- Added: Option to hide and restrict files uploaded through application form.
- Added: Ability to add 'From' mail address for Admin notifications in settings.
- Added: WPML Support.
- Improved: Job archive page title.
- Dev: Added hooks for customizing the meta box content.
- Dev: Added hooks for customizing shortcode attributes and content.
- Code improvements and minor bug fixes.
- Fixed: Job application-related attachments security issue in some installations.
- Fixed: Unable to dismiss the admin notices.
- Added: Ability to add 'From' and 'Reply-To' mail addresses for Applicant notifications in settings.
- Fixed: Select2 library compatibility issues with other plugins.
- Fixed: Application submission issue in Internet Explorer.
- Fixed: Upload file extensions empty state issue in settings.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes and style improvements.
- Added: Recent Jobs Widget.
- Added: Application ID template tag support for Application Notifications.
- Fixed: Job application notification mail delivery issues.
- Fixed: Job expiry datepicker button styling issues.
- Fixed: Required fields in sub tabs preventing settings form submission.
- Improved: Settings page functionality.
- Improved: Job application form validation styles.
- Improved: Add-ons listing page.
- Code improvements and other bug fixes.
- Dev: New hooks for customizing the registered post type arguments.
- Dev: New hook for customizing the arguments for the jobs query.
- Dev: New hooks for managing job application notification mails.
- Added: Shortcode attributes -
, andloadmore
shortcode. Template files need to be updated if overridden in theme. - Added: Job/Application updated messages.
- Added: Shareable filters. Now, you can share the link to display filtered job results.
- Added: New hooks for customizing Application Form. Template files need to be updated if overridden in theme.
- Added: Specification Key option to Job Specifications settings.
- Added: Jetpack publicize feature support.
- Fixed: Conflict with Polylang plugin.
- Fixed: Shortcode returning blank screen with some page builder plugins. Template files need to be updated if overridden in theme.
- Fixed: Job specification settings validation issues.
- Fixed: Localization issues.
- Improved: Templating for Job Specifications settings based on Underscore.js.
- Other bug fixes and code improvements.
- Fixed: Job Application submission error when caching plugin is used
- Fixed: Application feedback mail issue when Non-English characters are used
- Fixed: Settings UI issues
- Added: Job posting structured data for better SEO
- Added: New hooks for managing job application form
- Fixed: Validation issue for Full Name field in job application form
- Improved: Functionality of the Settings page
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed: Plugin activation error due to conflict with other plugins, especially Yoast SEO
- Fixed: Plugin activation is terminated when plugin is activated through WP-CLI
- Fixed: Invalid error messages when reCAPTCHA is not enabled in Form settings
- Code improvements
- Added: Custom template support.
- Added: New hooks for better templating
- Added: reCAPTCHA feature for job application form
- Added: New job specifications display option on job detail page appearance settings
- Fixed: Job view count issue when caching plugin is used
- Minor bug fixes
- Overall code and performance improvement
- Added: Job specifications display options on job detail page appearance settings
- Added: Job status meta box on application detail screen
- Minor fixes and improvements
- Initial Release