This is a placeholder for using emotion rather than styled-components
const FullDiv = styled . div `
box-sizing: border-box;
outline: none;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
` ;
// To improve performance, the dynamic style feature of styled components puts the template row &columns into the style property.
const Root = styled . div (
( {
} : {
horizontal : boolean ;
primarySize : string ;
splitterSize : string ;
minPrimarySize : string ;
minSecondarySize : string ;
} ) => ( {
boxSizing : 'border-box' ,
outline : 'none' ,
overflow : 'hidden' ,
width : '100%' ,
height : '100%' ,
display : 'grid' ,
label : 'Split' ,
gridTemplateAreas : horizontal ? '"primary" "split" "secondary"' : '"primary split secondary"' ,
gridTemplateColumns : horizontal
? '1fr'
: `minmax(${ minPrimarySize } ,${ primarySize } ) ${ splitterSize } minmax(${ minSecondarySize } , 1fr)` ,
gridTemplateRows : horizontal
? `minmax(${ minPrimarySize } ,${ primarySize } ) ${ splitterSize } minmax(${ minSecondarySize } , 1fr)`
: '1fr' ,
} )
) ;
const Primary = styled . div ( ( { horizontal } : { horizontal : boolean } ) => ( {
boxSizing : 'border-box' ,
outline : 'none' ,
overflow : 'hidden' ,
height : horizontal ? 'auto' : '100%' ,
width : horizontal ? '100%' : 'auto' ,
gridArea : 'primary' ,
label : 'SplitPrimary' ,
} ) ) ;
const Splitter = styled . div ( ( { horizontal } : { horizontal : boolean } ) => ( {
boxSizing : 'border-box' ,
outline : 'none' ,
overflow : 'hidden' ,
height : horizontal ? 'auto' : '100%' ,
width : horizontal ? '100%' : 'auto' ,
cursor : horizontal ? 'row-resize' : 'col-resize' ,
gridArea : 'split' ,
background : 'transparent' ,
userSelect : 'none' ,
label : 'SplitSplitter' ,
} ) ) ;
const Secondary = styled . div ( ( { horizontal } : { horizontal : boolean } ) => ( {
boxSizing : 'border-box' ,
outline : 'none' ,
overflow : 'hidden' ,
height : horizontal ? 'auto' : '100%' ,
width : horizontal ? '100%' : 'auto' ,
gridArea : 'secondary' ,
label : 'SplitSecondary' ,
} ) ) ;
const HitArea = styled . div ( ( { horizontal, hoverColor } : { horizontal : boolean ; hoverColor : string } ) => ( {
boxSizing : 'border-box' ,
outline : 'none' ,
overflow : 'hidden' ,
height : '100%' ,
width : '100%' ,
cursor : horizontal ? 'row-resize' : 'col-resize' ,
background : 'transparent' ,
'%:hover .default-split-visual' : {
background : `${ hoverColor } ` ,
} ,
userSelect : 'none' ,
} ) ) ;
const getThinLineSize = ( size : number ) => `${ size % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 3 } px` ;
const getCenteredMargin = ( size : number ) => `${ Math . max ( 0 , Math . floor ( size / 2 ) - 1 ) } px` ;
const Splitter = styled . div (
( { horizontal, splitterSize, color } : { horizontal : boolean ; splitterSize : number ; color : string } ) => ( {
boxSizing : 'border-box' ,
outline : 'none' ,
overflow : 'hidden' ,
height : horizontal ? getThinLineSize ( splitterSize ) : '100%' ,
width : horizontal ? '100%' : getThinLineSize ( splitterSize ) ,
marginLeft : horizontal ? '0' : getCenteredMargin ( splitterSize ) ,
marginTop : horizontal ? getCenteredMargin ( splitterSize ) : '0' ,
background : `${ color } ` ,
} )
) ;