Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Apache Pinot Controller API library (go-pinot-api)! Please take a moment to review this document before submitting a pull request.
Please ask first before starting work on any significant new features.
Please ensure that the tests are passing when submitting a pull request. If you're adding new features, please include tests.
- For any questions, support, or ideas, etc. please create a GitHub discussion.
- If you've noticed a bug, please submit an issue.
If this is something you think you can fix, then fork go-pinot-api and create a branch with a descriptive name.
At this point, you're ready to make your changes. Feel free to ask for help.
At this point, if your changes look good and tests are passing, you are ready to create a pull request.
A PR can only be merged into main by a maintainer if:
- CI is passing, and
- The PR is up to date with the default branch.
Any maintainer is allowed to merge a PR if these conditions ae met.