Thank you for considering contributing to fastapi-jwks! We appreciate your help in making this project better.
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix
- Make your changes
- Write or adapt tests as needed
- Update the documentation if necessary
- Submit a pull request
Clone your fork:
git clone cd fastapi-jwks
Install dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
To run tests:
To run tests with coverage:
pytest --cov=fastapi_jwks
We use the following tools to maintain code quality:
for both linting and formattingpyright
for type checkingpre-commit
hooks to automate checks
Please make sure your code passes all checks before submitting a PR:
pre-commit run --all-files
We are happy if you want to contribute to this project. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue. We are also happy to accept your PRs. Just open an issue beforehand and let us know what you want to do and why.
fastapi-jwks is licensed under the MIT License.