This is a checklist for serverside of the Web App.
- Licences of my application's 3rd-party dependencies are not violated
- My application does not violate cryptography policies and laws
- My app is compliant according to the organisation standards
- My application can retain reasonable functionality in isolation
- My application can recover from being under heavy load
- My application can reestablish all lost connections
- My application can not cause Cascading Failures to propagate through the system
- My project can run on multiple CPUs
- My project can run behind the load balancer
- I can add a new node without system downtime
- I can add a new node without stopping the application
- I can add a new node without user sessions being lost/destroyed
- I can make a rolling upgrades for my service
- My application can survive a server restart
- My application is restarted automatically after the crash
My application logs all errors (even "swallowed")
My application produces log output to rotated files
- Streams with different log levels are separated from each other
My logs are aggregated to a log analysing service
I have configured the alerts for abnormal activity
- Application restart events
- Error rate threshold reached
- Server resources are soon to be exhausted (CPU, memory, IO > 90%)
- HTTP requests timeouts
- HTTP responses with 500 status codes
I have health checks for all parts of my system
I can observe different events from my app over time
- Number of requests for endpoints
- Duration of requests for endpoints
- Duration of business-logic operations
- I can run my services in different independent Data Centers
- I have performed stress tests for my application
- I have performed network partitioning tests for my application
- I can restore all my data from backups
- I have audited my system against OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
- I use TLS for all sensitive endpoints