Based on asEvented, the evented module provides a function that can be called on a constructor in order to make instances act as event emitters.
var evented = require('bv-ui-core/lib/evented');
function Model(config) {
this.config = config;
An event emitter provides the following methods:
on(event, fn)
off(event, fn)
one(event, fn)
once(event, fn)
trigger(event, *data)
By default, any errors thrown from an event listener are caught and simply logged to the console. An alternate behavior can be specified by providing an event handler:
var model = new Model({});
model.setErrorHandler(function(error, trigger) {
// The following parameters are available to this function:
// - error : the value that was thrown, typically an instance of Error
// - trigger.event : the name of the event passed to trigger()
// - : an array containing the additional arguments passed to trigger()
// - this : the instance on which trigger() was invoked
// If you prefer for errors to be thrown from trigger(), then use:
model.setErrorHandler(function(error) { throw error; });