diff --git a/cems/src/main/bin/mms-env.sh b/cems/src/main/bin/mms-env.sh index f80120557..88f5c6445 100755 --- a/cems/src/main/bin/mms-env.sh +++ b/cems/src/main/bin/mms-env.sh @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export MMS_ENV_NAME=mms-env.sh export MMS_JAVA_EXEC='/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_sst/mms_new/software/jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java' export PM_EXE_DIR=/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_sst/mms_new/bin -export PM_PYTHON_EXEC='/gws/nopw/j04/fiduceo/Software/miniconda/miniconda3/envs/fiduceo_mms/bin/python' +export PM_PYTHON_EXEC='/gws/nopw/j04/esacci_sst/mms_new/software/conda_envs/sst-cci-mms/bin/python' export PATH=${PM_EXE_DIR}:$PATH diff --git a/developer_read.me b/developer_read.me index 13cc51540..67da150f8 100644 --- a/developer_read.me +++ b/developer_read.me @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ The build command for Maven for the MS does execute a large number of unit-level and integration tests. We have made a tradeoff between build speed and test-coverage by excluding time-consuming test from the standard test set. To execute these tests, which cover intensive IO operations and exhaustive database -test on all supported vendors, the Java VM has to be equipped with parameters that explicitely switch these tests on. +test on all supported vendors, the Java VM has to be equipped with parameters that explicitly switch these tests on. -Dcom.bc.fiduceo.db.tests.execute=true Enables the database test suite. Requires a MongoDB and a PostGIS db-server to be accessible from the tests. @@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ You can find needed test files at: Interested external developers please contact Brockmann-Consult to receive a copy of the test data. +To make the test data available to the test suite, you need to create a configuration file. +A template file can be found in the module "core" in the test resources, Please create a copy of +"dataDirectory_example.properties" and rename it to "dataDirectory.properties". Edit the renamed file +and update the property "dataDirectory" to point to the test data root directory on your system. MongoDB preparation for test execution