Common configuration files, and examples, are stored here. Configuration files have the structure (note: comments are not valid JSON):
// The efficiencies to be measured
// represented as [numerator, denominator] pairs.
// Each name must have a corresponding entry in the "definitions" object
"efficiencies": [
["MyNum", "MyDen"]
// Selection to apply on the input dataset.
// For example, in a cut-and-count, you may want a narrow mass range
// whereas for a fit, no cut on mass is necessary (it will be binned)
"selection": "tag_pt>26 and tag_abseta<2.4",
// Definitions of selections used.
// They will produce a new column with the given name with value
// given by the expression.
// These will be loaded first (and in order), so they can be used in other
// parts of the definitions or selection.
// NOTE: numerator/denominator keys must evaluate to bools.
"definitions": {
"qOverP": "charge/p",
"MyNum": "CutBasedIdTight == 1",
"MyDen": "TM == 1"
// Binning of the efficiencies and fit variables.
// Every variable used must be defined.
// Strings will be evaluated using python's "eval()" method.
// Numpy is loaded.
"binning": {
"pt": [15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 120],
"abseta": [0, 0.9, 1.2, 2.1, 2.4],
"eta": [-2.4, -2.1, -1.6, -1.2, -0.9, -0.3, -0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.9, 1.2, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4],
"mass": "np.array(range(60*4, 140*4+1)) * 0.25",
"mcMass": "np.array(range(60*4, 140*4+1)) * 0.25"
// The variableName-column map, with optional "pretty" representation
// in the form of ROOT TText syntax
"variables": {
"pt": {"variable": "pt", "pretty": "p_{T} (GeV)"},
"abseta": {"variable": "abseta", "pretty": "|#eta|"},
"eta": {"variable": "eta", "pretty": "#eta"},
"mass": {"variable": "mass", "pretty": "m(#mu#mu) (GeV)"},
"mcMass": {"variable": "mcMass", "pretty": "m(#mu#mu) (GeV)"}
// the variable to fit, used when fitting, not necessary when
// performing a cut-and-count efficiency
"fitVariable": "mass",
// similarly, the generator-level variable used in alternative background
// model fits
"fitVariableGen": "mcMass",
// The bins to calculate efficiency in.
// One set of efficiencies will be produced for each entry.
// Up to 3 dimensions supported.
// The N+1 dimension of the binning will be the fitVariable
// (and should not be included)
"binVariables": [
["abseta", "pt"],
// an optional set of shifts
// The above arguments refer to the "Nominal" shift
// From the Nominal arguments above, each shift
// will update the configuration with the given parameters
"shifts": {
// e.g. changing the tag definition
"TagPtUp": {
"selection": "tag_pt>30 and tag_abseta<2.4"
// An optional set of alternative fits to perform
// The nominal fit function is a template fit using the Nominal configuration
// This can be overridden by redefining "Nominal"
// Alternatively, new fits are implemented as:
"fitShifts": {
// Changing the fit type (PDF used)
"AltSig": {"fitType": "AltSig"},
// Changing the template fit procedure by analytical functions
// Example: NominalOld, where signal is fitted by the sum of two-voigtians, and background by CMSShape
// Different definitions can be implemented in with RooFit
"NominalOld": {"fitType": "NominalOld"},
// Changing the shift type (alternative fit inputs/configurations)
"massBinUp": {"shiftType": "massBinUp"},
"massBinDown": {"shiftType": "massBinDown"},
// Changing the input flat histograms
"tagIsoUp": {"inType": "TagIsoUp"}
"tagIsoDown": {"inType": "TagIsoDown"}
// or combinations of the above
// An optional set of systematics to include in the uncertainies
// "Up" and "Down" (from above) should not be included
"systematics" : {
"SF": {
"fitTypes": ["AltSig"],
"shiftTypes": ["tagIso", "massBin"]
"dataEff": {
"fitTypes": ["AltSig"],
"shiftTypes": ["tagIso", "massBin"]
"mcEff": {
"fitTypes": [],
"shiftTypes": ["tagIso"]
Some examples can be found in:
- Simple example: muon_example.json
- Muon POG Z to mumu ID/Iso for Run-2: muon_pog_official_run2_Z.json
- Muon POG Z to mumu ID/Iso for 2017 (with higher trigger threshold): muon_pog_official_run2_Z_2017.json