Siemens 7T Terra.X in XA60A.
Also tested on Siemens 3T Cima.X on XA61(-SP01)
Sequence: Non-selective 3D SPACE.
From left to right: Original, brain mask (SynthStrip), N4BiasFieldCorrection (ANTs) in brain mask, DenoiseImage (ANTs) in brain mask after N4BiasFieldCorrection.
From top to bottom: 3D FLAIR with Circular Polarization (CP), 3D FLAIR with Universal Pulses (UP), 3D DIR with UP.
ANTs using ANTsPy in OpenRecon.
Brain masking is performed by SynthStrip
Sequence: Angio TOF
From left to right: Original, SkullStripped using brainmask from Synthstrip, N4BiasFieldCorrection, DenoiseImage
From top to bottom: SAG MIP, COR MIP, TRA MIP
This OR performs ANTs image operations :
- N4BiasFieldCorrection
- DenoiseImage
- N4BiasFieldCorrection then DenoiseImage (default)
- DenoiseImage then N4BiasFieldCorrection
- None (only for brain masking / skull stripping)
Brain mask usage :
- Apply ANTs in brainmask (keep outside the mask intact)
- Skull stripping then ANTs (keep only in mask)
- None (only ANTs, no masking)
There is an option, a checkbox, to save original images and intermediate images. (default is True)
Based on
Requirements for building :
- python 3.12
- jsonschema
Python environment manager is strongly recomanded :
conda create --name openrecon-ants
conda install python=3.12
pip install jsonschema
Build with :
Python modules :
- ismrmrd
- pydicom
- pynetdicom
- antspyx
- torch
- surfa
pip install ismrmrd pydicom pynetdicom antspyx torch surfa
Follow guidelines in
- Add fields in the UI to tune
- Add fields in the UI to tune the mask (erode ? delate ? ...)