DD53 is a dynamic DNS updater for AWS Route 53.
It currently only implements the following parameters from https://help.dyn.com/remote-access-api/:
- hostname
- myip
Not currently supported are:
- wildcard (deprecated by dyn.com)
- mx (deprecated by dyn.com)
- backmx (deprecated by dyn.com)
- offline (not implemented)
- Ruby 2.2.x
- an AWS account
- A Route53 hosted zone (see documentation)
Create a new hosted zone and point your domains nameserver records at it as described in the documentation
Required env variables
Variable name | Use |
AUTH_USERNAME | basic auth username |
AUTH_PASSWORD | basic auth password |
AWS_REGION | Amazon Web Services Region to use |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Amazon Web Services access key ID |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Amazon Web Services secret access key |
AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID | Amazon Web Services Route 53 Zond ID |
AUTH_USERNAME=ddns_updater AUTH_PASSWORD=mysecret AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=yourawsaccesskeyid AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yourawssecretaccesskey AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID=thehostedzoneid AWS_REGION=eu-central-1 bundle exec rackup